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2012 -2017 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (INCLUDING REGIONAL PARKS <br />AND TRAILS CIP AND LEGACY FUNDS) <br />Ramsey County is on a two -year budget cycle, the next budget cycle being the years <br />2012 -2013. The County adopts a levy for the first year and then considers minor <br />adjustments during the second year, if necessary. At the same time the two -year <br />budget cycle was adopted, the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) cycle was changed <br />from five years to a six -year program. The Capital Improvement Program Advisory <br />Committee ranks projects based on certain criteria and then the County Board receives <br />recommendations and adopts a CIP along with the corresponding funding. Projects are <br />categorized based on prorated total cost. Regular projects are under $1 million and <br />major capital projects are over $1 million. The CIP request has to be submitted by <br />January 26, 2011 and will encompass capital projects over $50,000 regardless of <br />funding source. <br />The total request for the six -year CIP is $18,172,200. Mr. Mack reviewed the Parks and <br />Recreation Department's six -year CIP with the Commission. Mr. Straumann moved, <br />seconded by Ms. Petersen, to recommend approval of the Parks and Recreation <br />Department 2012 -2017 CIP. Motion carried. <br />2009 -2010 STATE OF THE PARKS REPORT PRESENTATION TO THE RAMSEY <br />COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, FEBRUARY 1, 2011 <br />Mr. Straumann agreed to present the 2009 -2010 State of the Parks Report to the <br />Ramsey County Board of Commissioners on February 1, 2011. All Commission <br />members are welcome to attend the Board meeting. Mr. Ditmore recommended that <br />language regarding Keller Golf Course's environmental stewardship be added to the <br />report. By consensus, the Commission agreed with this recommendation. <br />DIRECTOR'S REPORT <br />Mr. Mack reported that: <br />The Department is in the process of hiring a Landscape Architect to assist with <br />park development projects, including in -house design work. <br />The County Board approved a redesign of the 1,000 Benches Program on <br />January 11, 2011. 300 benches can be placed within the County park and trail <br />system. The Department is seeking a grant through the State Health <br />Improvement Program (SHIP) to fund the slab portion of the benches. <br />The Commission discussed a land exchange proposal at Little Lake Josephine. <br />The Commission recommended accepting the proposed land exchange if the <br />boundary on the Westad property was changed. The boundary has been <br />changed and the land exchange will be going before the Board of Commissioners <br />in February 2011. <br />Mr. Mack thanked all the Commission members for continuing to serve on the Parks <br />and Recreation Commission. <br />REPORT FROM CHAIR AND OTHER COMMISSION MEMBERS <br />Mr. Straumann distributed Minnesota Department of Natural Resources annual p oster <br />and some other informational hand -outs to the Commission members. <br />2 <br />