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STATE OF THE PARKS REPORT 2009 -2010 <br />RAMSEY COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION <br />Keller Regional Park Picnic <br />Area improvements. State bond <br />appropriations matched by the <br />Metropolitan Council have enabled the <br />Department to proceed with planned <br />improvements to the recreation areas <br />within this popular regional park. The <br />Commission has reviewed all plans for <br />replacement of restrooms, picnic shelters, <br />roadways and parking lots. In 2009 -2010, picnic shelters were constructed at <br />Keller Island, Lakeside and Lower Keller picnic areas. Restrooms were <br />constructed at Lower Keller and Round Lake. A new roadway and parking lot <br />are under construction at the Lower Keller site. The final phase of the building <br />replacement has been funded and will include three new picnic shelters at the <br />Golfview site and a new shelter at Round Lake. It is anticipated that these <br />projects will be completed in 2011. <br />Keller Golf Course Reconstruction. The <br />Commission reviewed and recommended approval of <br />the pre design plans and cost estimate for the Keller Golf <br />Course redevelopment. This project is included in the <br />County Capital Improvement Plan in 2011 and 2012. <br />The Commission lo0ks forward to the opportunity to <br />work with staff and the golfing community on project <br />design in 2011. <br />Silver Lake Trail Plan. The Commission reviewed design plans for the <br />proposed Silver Lake Trail located on the west side of Century Avenue. The <br />plans, as recommended by the Commission, will provide a safe pedestrian and <br />bicycle route adjacent to Silver Lake in North St. Paul. The plan was presented <br />to the Minnesota Legislature as a bonding request by the City of North St. Paul <br />but was not funded in 2010. <br />Active Living Ramsey Communities! (ALRC). The <br />Commission has been engaged in the ALRC initiative. Members <br />of the Commission have volunteered to work on standing <br />committees with an emphasis on establishing a safe network of <br />trails for pedestrians and bicyclists. <br />