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02-15-11 PTRC
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Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee (PTRC)
PTRC Packets (2010 to Present)
02-15-11 PTRC
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6/18/2015 11:05:04 AM
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2/11/2011 1:03:48 PM
PTRC Packet
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PTRC Packet
PTRC Packet
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C. Goals: <br />ONGOING and AS NEEDED: <br />Commission and Committee: <br />Committee Name: Parks, Trails, and Recreation Committee (PTRC) <br />Year: 2011 <br />A. General Purpose for Committees and Task Forces: <br />While the City Council and City Staff have the sole responsibility for all activities within the City <br />of Arden Hills, from time to time they find it desirable, advantageous, and necessary to bring <br />together residents of Arden Hills in order to broaden and enrich the discussion around possible <br />decisions. As an example, the City Council's ability to debate and consider far ranging <br />alternatives is stifled by the risk that the mere discussion of alternatives will engender them with <br />undeserved merit. In addition, Arden Hills will always seek to hire the most qualified and <br />capable employees, but in doing so we will frequently hire staff that is not intimately connected <br />to the Arden Hills neighborhoods. Therefore, it is critical that the City create a mechanism where <br />the City Staff can get unfettered and unbiased reaction to their novel thoughts and ideas. <br />The Commission, Committee, and Task Forces are established to broaden and enrich the content <br />that will ultimately be enacted or authorized by the elected City Council. <br />B. Mission/Purpose: <br />Parks, trails, recreation, and natural resources in Arden Hills increase the desirability of the city <br />as a place to live or work, enhance the health and well -being of citizens and guests, and improve <br />the value of citizens' property. The Parks, Trails, and Recreation Committee (PTRC) represents <br />the interests of Arden Hills citizens in leading the continuing development, expansion, and <br />improvement of those resources. The PTRC recommends to the City Council actions that support <br />those interests; monitors the use of and the improvements in parks, trails, and recreation; and <br />collaborates with other City committees and commissions in improving parks and trails. <br />1. Recommend actions that advance the vision for parks, trails, and recreation. <br />2. Assist in identifying ongoing parks and trails maintenance /improvement priorities. <br />3. Recommend and review grant opportunities, sponsorships, and partnerships for parks and <br />trails <br />4. Assist, advise, and monitor plans for parks, trails and recreation within TCAAP at the <br />appropriate time. <br />5. Continue to work with Ramsey County on mutually beneficial trail /park projects and <br />activities. <br />6. Monitor potential road improvements to encourage inclusion of pedestrian friendly <br />infrastructure whenever possible. <br />7. Look to enhance /add recreational opportunities in our parks. <br />8. Sponsor and organize Community events such as clean up day and buckthorn removal <br />day(s). <br />9. Assist in preparing a list of topics and potential articles that the Committee would like to <br />see highlighted in the City newsletter. <br />
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