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and Cooperative Agreement for the Administration of a Cable Communications �ystem, dated <br />June 1990 {the "Joint Powers Agreement"); and <br />WHEREAS, the Cor�mission is empowexed by 7oint Powers Agreernent to conduct the <br />Section 626(a) proceedings on the City's behalf arid to take such other steps and actions as are <br />needed oar required io carry outi the formal and informal franchise renewal processes; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commissio�, on behalf of the City, must provide tk�e public with notice <br />o�, and an opportunity to participate in, formal renewal proceedings under Section 626(a) of th� <br />Cable Act; and <br />WHEREAS, farrnal Section b26(a) proc�edings and the informal franchise rer�ewal <br />process may involve the collection and analysis of information from Comcast (and its affiliates <br />and subsidiaries), City agencies and departments, the Commission, the North Subu�rbs Access <br />Corporatian, the public and other interesied ,�arties, and may require one or more public <br />hearings. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />C�TY OF ARDEN H�LLS, MYNNESOTA, THAT: <br />Section 1. The City authorizes the Comrnission and its staff to comrner�ce formal <br />franchise renewal ascertainment and past perfoxmance proceedings under Section 626(a)(1) of <br />the Cable Act, 47 U.S.C. § 546{a){1}, concerning Comcast and the Franchise, on the City's <br />behalf, pursuant to the powers granted ta the Commission in the Joint Powers Agreement. Tl�ese <br />proceedi�gs, and all applicable procedures, tirnelines and deadlines set farth i� Section 62b(a}- <br />