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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCTL -� JUNE 14, 2010 10 <br />7F. Advertise for Public Worlrs Maintencrnce Worker (continued) <br />MOTION: Conncil�nember Holde�n moved and Ma or Har stead seconded a motion Yo <br />Aut�or�ze Staff to receed with the hirin of an c� hth �naintenance worker. <br />Ca�ncilmember Holden statec� the Pub�ic Wor�Cs department has had an increase in w•orkload <br />with the I&�, starm po�td drec3ging, trees, field rnaintenance, etc. Ar� additional worker woula <br />assist in cornpleting this work_ <br />CouncilrneEnber Grant hoped Mr_ Maor�ey wouid be able to tncrease the effectiveness of �he <br />Public Wor�Cs Department and suggester� the eighth hire hold off until after hiring a PubIic Works <br />Directo�r. He stated he would not supporE tl�e additionaI hire. <br />Counciirriernber McClung indicated he would support the ac�ditional hire as it L�ouid bring ihe <br />City 6ack to its originai Public Worics capacity. <br />Councilrnember Hoide� stated the additior�al hire wauld reduce the inereased overtitne that the <br />department has seen in the past several years. <br />Councilmember Grant questioned if all ove�irne wottld be eliminated with this hire. <br />Fi�ance Directar �versan stated the overtime would not be eliminated but should be less as there <br />stil� are ernergencies within the City. <br />Cae�ncilmernber HoE�fen expected that overtirne should be reduced and used oniy for <br />emergeneies or standby time_ <br />S. UNFINiSHED BUSINESS <br />A. Arde� Village Worlcforce Housing Proposal — Upd�ted Letter af Suppart for <br />the Housir�g Tax Credit Application <br />Cornmunity Deve�oprnent Director J�mes Lehnhoff stated the Councii was bei�g asked to <br />cansic�er approving ar� updated letter of support for Sand Companies, Ine.'s housi��� tax credit <br />a�plication to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency for the a 55-unit workforce housing �nit <br />called Arden ViIlage at 1296 County Road F for an atnount not to exeeed $22�,000 or $�75.000. <br />Sand Campanies was seeking iocaI funding at one of the two amounts, Opiion 1 would not <br />include the communications tawer, while Option 2 woul�. An addi�ional wai�er was being <br />requested to red�ce the SAC/WAC fees by $2,000 as this would add an adc�itio�al point to the tax <br />credit appIication. Ramsey County would contribute $35,000 to the project. He explainec� the <br />�'inance PIanning and Analysis Cat�mittee reviewed both options and feli both were viable <br />options for the City. <br />