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7E Renewal of the Ramsey County Sheriff's Department Agreement for Police Services
City Council
City Council Packets
11-30-09- R
7E Renewal of the Ramsey County Sheriff's Department Agreement for Police Services
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Last modified
10/24/2024 9:51:37 AM
Creation date
2/14/2011 9:57:52 AM
11-30-09 Council Regular
General - Type
11-30-09 Council Regular
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stafiutory obligations that Ra�msey Couniy has to provide police protectian <br />to the MUN�CIPALITY. <br />5. Services shalF be provided 24 haurs per day and shal� be performed by khe <br />number of depu�ies and ath�r �erson.nel budgeted for in the COUNr£Y'S <br />Approvec� Budg�t for these services to tl�e MiJNICIPALITYES. <br />6. To facilitate the C4UNTY'S performance pursuant to this Agreement, t�e <br />MUNICIPAL�TY agrees �hat �he COUN'TY shall have fuli cooperation <br />and assistance from the MUNICII'AL.TTY, its officer�, agents and <br />empioyees. The MT_7NICTPALITY shal� designate a liaison to the Rarnsey <br />Courtiy Sherif�s Department. The liaison shail atten� n�eetings of the <br />S�eriff s Contract Cornmuniiies Comr�itte� and �hall represent their <br />respective MUNICIPALITY at their meetings. The purpose ofth�se <br />rneetings is to develop short-term and long range pians and to coordinate <br />ar�d ae�alyze police service, to develop budget parameters foz dis�ributing <br />casts between the municipalities, and other relat�d public service issues_ <br />The Sheriffls Contract Co�rununities Cotturuttee shali aiso review any <br />disputes vvhich arise betwee� the Mj.TNICIPALIT�ES andlor Sheriff's <br />Departmen� and reco�turtend a resa�ution_ <br />7. The C4%TNTY shali furnish and supgiy all necessary labor, supervision, <br />equipment, comrn�nicatian facilities and dispatching, and supplies <br />necessary to provide services pursuant to this Agreement. <br />S. All deputy sheriffs, cierlcs, c�ispatchers, and all other COLTNTY personnel <br />performing �.�ties pursuant to this Agreement shall ai al1 times be <br />cansidered employees of ttte COI_TNTY for all purposes. <br />9. The name of each af the NIUNICIPAL�TIES thai contract with the <br />Sheriff s De�artment for law enforcertaent services shalI be affixed to alI <br />squad cars a�d other major pieces of equipment used primarily witnin <br />these MUNFCIPALITIES. <br />B. ASSLTMPTION OF LIABILITIES/�NSURANCE <br />1. Except as otherwise pravided, tiie MLTNICII'ALTTY shall not be calIed <br />upon to assume any (iabi�ity for the direct paytnent of any salaries, wages, <br />or other compensatian to any COUNTY personnel performing servic�s <br />here�nder for said MIJNrCIPALITY, and. the COUN'i'Y hereby assurrzes <br />said liabilities. <br />2_ Except as �ierein o�herwise specified, the MUNTCIPALITY shall not be <br />liabie for compensation or indemnity to any COUNTY etnplayee for <br />injury or sickness arising out of this employ�t�ent, arid the COI_JNTY <br />
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