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1.B Preparation for TCAAP Public Sale
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10-28-09- TCAAP WS
1.B Preparation for TCAAP Public Sale
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10-28-09 Council TCAAP Worksession
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10-28-09 Council TCAAP Worksession
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MEMORANDUM <br />Item 1.11 <br />DATE: October 28, 2009 <br />TO: Mayor and City Council <br />FROM: Ron Moorse, City Administrator <br />SUBJECT: Preparation for TCAAP Public Sale <br />At the October 20 joint work session with the Ramsey County Board, the board reconfirmed <br />their interest in accepting the Wildlife Corridor and indicated a possible interest in the primer <br />tracer area. However, the Board indicated it was not interested in acquiring the majority of the <br />property for a regional park use. Based on their response, the public sale of the property is likely <br />to move forward; since the GSA has suggested the Wildlife Corridor, and possibly the primer <br />tracer area, can be transferred as part of the auction process <br />The next significant step in the public sale process is the bidders' conference scheduled for <br />November 18, at which potential buyers will be looking for direction from the City regarding the <br />type of development desired on the property. Also, since the property will be sold by public <br />auction rather than through a negotiated sale with a pre -approved master development plan, the <br />City's control over the development of the property will be based on the land use controls that <br />are in place at the time of the sale, particularly the Comprehensive Plan., zoning regulations, and <br />design standards. <br />The foundation of the City's direction to potential buyers at the bidders' conference, and the <br />basis for any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan and zoning regulations, is a shared <br />broad vision for the reuse of the property. Ideally, an outline of the key elements of this vision <br />would be available for the November 18 bidders' conference. In an effort to meet that timeline, <br />staff will prepare a working outline for a draft vision for Council review and discussion at the <br />November 9 TCAAP work session. The outline will be based on staff s understanding of the <br />Council's views of the reuse of the property, and staff s thoughts about how best to build those <br />views into a vital, viable development concept. The focus of the November 9 TCAAP work <br />session would then be a process of discussing the working outline for the draft vision, and <br />working toward agreement on an outline of the key elements of the vision. <br />
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