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1.A Arden Village Workforce Housing Concept
City Council
City Council Packets
1.A Arden Village Workforce Housing Concept
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/29/2024 10:33:07 AM
Creation date
2/15/2011 9:49:15 AM
8-17-09 Council Worksession
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8-17-09 Council Worksession
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Sand Companies, Inc. will be responsible for hiring and training the manager, <br />marketing the property, setting up strict resident selection criteria, along with daily <br />communications, regular site visits, accounting, human resources, renovations and <br />purchasing on behalf of the property. <br />As a manager and owner, Sand Companies, Inc. has a very strict and stringent <br />resident screening process and is an active member of the Crime Free Multi -Housing <br />Program wherever available. All potential residents sign off on receiving the specific <br />screening criteria before filling out an application. Sand Companies, Inc. not only does <br />local checks on applicants, but also out of state checks, as applicable. <br />The following is a brief summary of Sand Companies, Inc.'s minimum screening <br />criteria. Sand Companies, Inc. reserves the right to be more stringent. <br />1. Age: All applicants must be at least 18 years of age. Any residents 18 years of <br />age or older must be listed on the lease and also meet the screening criteria. <br />2. Income: For income restricted units, total gross household income must be at <br />least two times the amount of rent, including utilities. <br />3. Credit: Applicants with a consistent history of NSF checks will be denied. <br />Applicants with outstanding collections or judgments will be denied. Any <br />applicants with an unlawful detainer will be denied. Applicants that have filed for <br />bankruptcy in the last three years may be denied. Extenuating circumstances may <br />be considered in the event of medical or other catastrophe. Applicants with a <br />consistent history of late payment of their financial obligations will be denied. <br />Sand Companies, Inc. also establishes minimum credit "beacon" scores. <br />4. Unlawful/Criminal History: Applicants with a history of unlawful or criminal <br />activity will be denied. Persons involved in drug related criminal activity will be <br />denied. Sand Companies, Inc. also uses the Crime/Drug Free lease addendum, <br />which is signed by all residents (18 years of age or older) of the household and is <br />made part of the lease. Applicants with dependents in the household with <br />criminal offenses will be denied. <br />5. Rental History: Applicants with a rental history must provide at least one <br />verifiable rental landlord reference with a minimum of one-year rental history. <br />Applicants with a history of late rental payments, verified housekeeping problems <br />and/or a history of disturbing the peace will be denied. <br />6. Occupancy: Even if the city does not have an ordinance limiting the number of <br />occupants in a unit, Sand Companies, Inc. sets occupancy standards of no more <br />than two residents per bedroom. <br />Arden Village Proposed Development 6 <br />
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