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Before imposing fees, the notice must be issued and a public hearing held. Within <br />six months of the conclusion of the public hearing, the city may adopt a resolution <br />to impose the fees. <br />What plans or Before the city imposes and collects a fee provided for in the resolution, the <br />reports are <br />condominium or townhome association must develop a long-term plan to maintain <br />required?the complex. The plan must address operations, maintenance, and necessary <br />capital improvements of the common elements. It must identify financing for the <br />projects. The association must also submit its audited financial report to the city <br />annually. <br />Although each city with an HIA is required to submit the HIA ordinance to the <br />Commissioner of Revenue, this reporting has not been done. The fees imposed are <br />reported as special assessments by the cities to the county auditor and collected <br />through the property tax statements. Since these amounts are not identified <br />separately, and with no effective statewide reporting, it is impossible to know how <br />much money is collected for HIA purposes statewide. <br />How many cities As indicated above, there is no way to know how many HIAs have been <br />have established <br />established, but as of 2004, at least six cities are known to have adopted HIA <br />HIAs?ordinances. <br />City# of Districts Year Authority <br />EstablishedGranted <br />Coon Rapids 42002 <br />Hopkins41989 <br />New Hope 31997 <br />Plymouth 1N/A <br />St. Louis Park 12002 <br />Victoria12003 <br />The scope and length of projects vary within each HIA. The ordinances <br />establishing HIAs are for three to 20 years, with fees assessed annually. However, <br />the HIA ordinance may allow prepayment of fees. <br />The Research Department of the Minnesota House of Representatives is a nonpartisan office providing legislative, <br />legal, and information services to the entire House. <br />House Research Department 600 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155 651-296-6753 <br /> <br />