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........ ...... ........ ......... ......... ......... <br /> Traffic Study Conclusions and <br /> Recommendations <br /> A traffic impact study was prepared for the Guiding Plan, a full version of which is <br /> presented in Appendix A. The following summary conclusions and recommendations <br /> are an outcome of that study. <br /> County Road E Corridor <br /> The roadways and study intersections within the study area currently operate acceptably <br /> at Level of Service(LOS)D or better and will continue to operate at LOS D or better <br /> through the 2030 Build scenario when the redevelopment is anticipated to be fully <br /> occupied. <br /> The County Road E corridor has a wide center two way left turn lane down the middle as <br /> well as many driveway intersections. This leads to a vehicle dominated corridor that is <br /> unfriendly to pedestrians and bicycles. It is envisioned County Road E will operate as a <br /> vibrant,multi-modal corridor that will attract pedestrians and bicycles. To provide a safe <br /> multi-modal corridor,the following long range improvements are recommended: - <br /> • Construct a landscaped median on County Road E from Highway 51 to Lexington <br /> Avenue to convert the private driveways along County Road E into right-in/right-out <br /> accesses. <br /> • Driveways should be consolidated whenever feasible to limit the conflict points along <br /> the corridor. <br /> ■ Provide left turn lanes at public street intersections. <br /> ■ Provide on street bicycle lanes. <br /> ■ Provide sidewalks along the length of County road E and to the businesses, including <br /> a connection to Arden Plaza near to the County Road E and Lexington intersection. <br /> ■ Improve the landscaping to provide a human scale to the corridor. - <br /> ■ Provide eleven foot wide travel lanes which will reinforce the 35 mph speed limit. <br /> • Minimize traffic signs within the corridor whenever feasible. <br /> • Extend the bicycle and pedestrian facilities through the County Road E/Hamline <br /> Avenue interchange when it is reconstructed. <br /> • Reconstruct the corridor using the existing curb and gutter system to minimize the <br /> cost. This will also shorten the construction period, lessening the impact on local <br /> businesses. <br /> 21 October Guiding Plan for the B2 District 6-1 <br />