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Lois Re�t <br />... �.. ._. <br />Arden Hills_ MN 551 t2-2807 <br />E'ro%ssional <br />F��erience �f�ce Administrator {formerly Administrative Aide, tnformation Technology �'rofessional, <br />�..etial 5ecretary), tlniversity Student Legal Service, University af Minnesota, 1981-1987, <br />�99�-Zaod_ <br />Co�y editor, proof-reader, University of Minnesota Press_ ] 990. <br />�ditor, researc3� assistant, and data ana�yst for N1MH project, Department of Genetics and <br />Ce11 Bioiogy, University of Minnesota, ] 987-88, I989-90. <br />Editor and research assistant, for NEH project, Departrnent of English, University of <br />Minnesota. l 988-$9. <br />Ec#ucation <br />1'3�.L7. (English} University of Minnesota, T���in Cities, ]99}. <br />M_A. (�nglish) University of Oregon, Eugene, 1977_ <br />B_A. (C[assics; �ngtish}, �uther CoI}ege, Deeorah, lowa, 1974. <br />Publicati�ns <br />1992 David P. Fan & Lais Norem �Lois RemJ. AThe Media and the Fate af the Medicare <br />Catast�ophic Extensia� Aet.@ Journal ofh'eal�I� Politics, Policy at�d La��. vol 17_1 (Spring <br />1992}. ;9-74 (JotEmal articie). <br />199I Lois Norem [Lois Rem). The S�u�-ious Links ojChaucer=s ACanref-btrry Tales@: Texts and <br />Conrexts (Dissertation, U of MN). <br />19R9 Alekander Leggait & Lois Norem [�.ois Rem�. An,4nnotated Bibliog�-aphy ofShakespeare=s <br />.?C nriolarrz�s@ {Nev�� Yark_ Garland) (Book}. <br />Comrnunih• Serr�ice <br />3998-200� Cit�� Council, Arden Hilts (MN). <br />k996-present� 7���-in Cities Anny Ammunition Plant (TCAAP) Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) eharter <br />merr�ber (a citizens Qroup providing oversight af the work of ArEny and re�ulators oa <br />environmental clea�up at Minnesota=s iargest S�Per-fund site, �ocated in Ar�err Hi1Is). <br />i 99b-present Volunteer. Ralph Reeder Fo�dshelf Sehoof Dist�et 621. <br />199�-present Founder ar�c[ eo-eaptain af Gienview Court Neighborhooci Wate3�_ <br />1998-200� Boarc� member. Northwest Youtl� and Family Services (concurrent with city eouncil service} <br />