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CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />MCDONALD'S USA, LLC <br />PUD DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT <br />PLANNTNG CASE 11-001 <br />1.0 Parties. This PUD Developmeni Agreement ("Agreement") is dated the 2$�` day o� <br />February, 2011, and is en.tered into by the Ciiy of Arden Hills, a Minnesota statu�ory city <br />("City") and McDonald's USA, LLC, a limited liability company ("Developer"). <br />2.0 R�citals. The f�llowing recitals are intended to express the intention of the parties and to <br />d�scribe the review process #'oliowed by ihe City. These recitals shall be a part of the <br />Agreement: <br />A. PropertX. Developer is the fee owner of f11e following described real property <br />("Property") situated in the City of Arden Hills, Ramsey County, MN: <br />That part of the South�vest quarter of the Southeast quarter <br />of Section 27, Township 30 North, Range 23 West, Ramsey <br />County, Mi�esota described as follows: <br />Commencing at the Soutl�east corner oi said Southwest <br />quarter of the Southeast quarter; thence West (assumed <br />bearing) along the south line of said Soutl�west quarter of <br />the Southeast quarter 843.88 feet, said Iine being the center <br />line of County Road "E"; tbence North 0 degrees, 17 <br />minutes, 30 seconds West, 43.00 feet io the point of <br />beginning, said paint being the intersection of ihe North <br />right-of way line of County Road "E" and ihe West right- <br />of way line af Connelly Avenue; thence North DO degrees, <br />17 minutes, 30 seconds West, 235.24 feet; thence West, <br />231.45 feet to the Easi right-of-way line of State Trunk <br />Highway No. 51; thence South 0 degrees, 15 minutes, 0 <br />seconds East 170.24 feet along said East right-of-way line; <br />thence South 45 degrees, 07 minutes, 30 seconds East <br />along the Northeasterly right-of-way of State Trunk <br />Highway No. 51 a distance of 52.12 �eet; thence South 81 <br />degrees, 45 minutes, $3 seconds East along the Northerly <br />right-of-way iine af State Trunlc Highway No. 51 a distance <br />of 197.01 feet to the point ai beginning. <br />B. Current Use. The Property is currently developed for a McDonald's Restaurant. <br />C. Pro�osed Use. The Developer intends to demolish the existing McDonald's <br />Restaurant and construct a new McDonald's Restaurant on the Property. <br />