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3/4/2011 2:52:45 PM
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Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP) <br />The City continued to monitor progress on the TCAAP sale process. A second bidders' <br />conference was held in June, which City Staff and elected officials attended. The City adopted <br />zoning regulations for the property. The City continues to await the release of the Invitation for <br />Bids (IFB) in order to provide a response to the General Service Administration (GSA). <br />Rental Registration <br />The rental registration program for residential buildings with four or fewer dwelling units was <br />enacted in June of 2009. The first year 72 properties registered as rentals in the City. In 2010, <br />the number of registered properties decreased to 60. This was due primarily to the turnover of <br />Community Development Directors and complications with compiling the list of new potential <br />homestead properties, which resulted in fewer letters being sent out. Staff has since resolved <br />data gathering issues with the County and has a system in place for communicating more <br />effectively with property owners who may own rental properties. <br />Residential Curbside Recycling Contract Extension <br />The City opted to extend the Eureka Recycling curbside recycling service contract. In 2010, the <br />City received $20,636.87 in revenue share from Eureka Recycling. In 2009, the City received <br />only $3,215.35 in revenue share; however, this was due to the post consumer recycling market <br />collapse in January of 2009. As a result, the City received no revenue share for the first six <br />months of the year. The market largely rebounded in 2010 and revenue share has steadily <br />increased throughout the year. <br />Arden Hills' residents recycled 747 tons of material in 2010, this compares to 745 tons of <br />material in 2009. <br />Permits and Inspections <br />There were 412 building permits along with 663 plumbing, water, sewer, mechanical, electrical, <br />fire, zoning, and sign permits for a total 1,075 permits issued in 2010. Five new homes were <br />constructed with a combined value of $1,967,000. The total value of all building permits was <br />$15,676,327. The total of all fees collected was $343,580. <br />A comparison from one year to the next of building permits and fees is difficult because it is <br />common for a fee to be paid in one year but the bulk of the inspections to occur in the following <br />year. For example, the permit fees for the Student Life Commons at Northwestern College were <br />paid in 2009 but the project will not be finished until 2011. In addition, the valuations of some <br />City of Arden Hills <br />City Council Meeting for March 9, 2011 <br />IlMetro- inet.uslardenhills \Planning \Department RecordslQuarterly Year End Reports1201012010 Year End Review.doc <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />
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