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� <br />EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: <br />TO: <br />FR4M: <br />March 14, 20l 1 <br />Honorable Mayor and City Co�ncilmembers <br />Patrick Klaers, Ci�y Administrator � <br />Ci <br />Terry Maurer, Public Works Director <br />SUBJECT: Praposed Amendment to the 5 Year Equiprr�ent CIP <br />Back round <br />On January � 8, 201 �, the City Council held a work session at the Public Works facility <br />where a discussion of current issues pertaining to the aperation of the Pub�ic Works crew <br />was discussed. One of those issues presented by me was a proposai to change the fleet <br />makeup in an effort to rraake the infrastructure maintenance tasks more efficient anc� to <br />add more redundancy from an equip�ent standpaint to critical tasks performed by our <br />Publie Warks crew. <br />With that as bacicground, a#tached are the Projects by Year summary sheei from the <br />current adopted 5 Year Equi�znent CI� anc� a propased amended plan. Alsa attached are <br />the detail sheets from the p,roposed amended p�an. As you will note from comparing <br />these two; the tota� expenditure over the fve year per�od is approximately the sazne and <br />the year-by-year expenditure is actually lower in 20l 1 and 20I2 in the proposed plan than <br />the adopted pIan. The proposed plan has been reviewed with the Director of Finance and <br />Adrninistrative Serviees. <br />Some of the major changes in the amended pIan are no#ed below with a more an-depth <br />discussion of specific fleet changes later in the me�o: <br />• The replacement of the Skid Steer scheduled for 2dI l would get the City into <br />Bobcat's prograrn of providing a new Skid Steer every � 2 months at a east of <br />approximately $2,500. This wil� become a� equipment Iease and will be maved <br />to the Public Works operating budget in the future. <br />• The replacement of the setter and Vactar Truck with Combo Machine has been <br />moved to 2012 and the Replacement of the 1998 Dump Truck with <br />plow/win�/sander has been zx�oved to 201 l. This is proposed because the dump <br />truck is more critical to the operation than the jetter/vactor combo �nachine. <br />City Council Meeting <br />C:lUserslter�y.maurerlDesktoplEquipmentCl PMemo.dac <br />Paae I of 4 <br />