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� <br />EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: March 21, 20l 1 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers <br />Patiick Klaers, City Administratar <br />Parks Trails and Recreation Committee Chairman and Committee Members <br />FROM: Michelle �lson, Parks and Recreation Manager i�� <br />SUBJECT: 201.1. Goals and Work Pian <br />Back�round <br />Each year, the various City cammittees and commissions discuss and recommend goals and <br />project priorities far the upcoming year. These are then brought to the Council for <br />evaluation and further discussion in arder to finalize a vt�ork plan for each committee. The <br />Parks Traiis and Recreation Cornmittee (PTRC) is prepared to recomrnend goa�s for 2011 <br />at tonight's meeting. The goals and expectations are included for Council review. The <br />Council will rt�ake the iinal determination as to what the goals and priorities are �or the <br />upcoaning year. Th� joint meeting will be an oppartunity for the PTRC to present their <br />2011 goals and get Councal feec2back. <br />Discnssion <br />Below are four PTRC goals for 2011 and a list of nine ongoing and as needed goals. The <br />committee would like Council comments, suggestions and final recommendation for the <br />goals in order to finalize their 2011 work plan. <br />2011 G4ALS: <br />1. Review and analyze the impact of establishing a fee structure far field use in the City and <br />bring a recommenda#ion ta Council. <br />2. Recornmend future enhancernents %r the 5 year Capital Iinprovement Program. <br />3. Research, review, comment and reconnmend approval on the folIowing specific projects: <br />a. Bench Implementation — Bench Location <br />b. Valentine Park Improve�nents <br />c. Adopt a Garden Program <br />d. Trail Maintenance Plan <br />4. Review the need for trail signage along trail corridars in the City and recommend a trail <br />signage plan to the Council. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />11Metro-inet.uslardenhillsll'R&PWIParkslMemoslCouncil Memos1032111 PTRC 2d11 goals and project prioriYies.doc <br />