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.��� <br />�i.R'�:. HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: March 21, 2011 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers <br />Patrick Klaers, City Administrator <br />Parks Trails and Recreation Committee Chairman and Committee Members <br />FROM: Michelle Olson, Parks and Recreation Manager <br />SUBJECT: Grants for parks, trails and recreation and overall regional trail <br />analysis <br />Back�round <br />Since the 2002 Parks and Open Space Plan was developed, the PTRC has maintained a list <br />of potential trail segments for development. This list has gone through updates with the <br />2006 Vision and Strategies and the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. The PTRC annually <br />reviews these priorities as trails are completed and needs for potential trails possibly <br />change. The PTRC has refrained from recommending segments in a highest to lowest <br />format and have historically identified the higher priorities within the Capital Improvement <br />Program (CIl'). However, in 2010, the committee categorized segments into highest to <br />lowest priority. The segments are not listed in any particular order in each category. This <br />trail segment priority listing is included for Council review, including a trail segment map. <br />The 2030 Comprehensive Plan also identified various park improvements that are reviewed <br />each year during the CIP discussions. As with trails, these improvements are suggestions <br />that change with varying needs and situations. The PTRC would like to discuss priorities <br />for parks, trails and recreation in regards to potential grant or donation opportunities. In <br />addition, the PTRC would like to discuss the importance of the City working with <br />surrounding Cities, Ramsey County and Mn/DOT on an overall regional trail analysis. <br />Requested Action <br />Discuss priorities regarding grant opportunities in regards to parks, trails and recreation. <br />In addition, discuss the importance of an overall regional trail analysis. <br />\\\ardenhills\PR&PW\Parks\Memos\Council Memos\032111 PTRC Grants for parks trails and recreation and regional <br />analysis. doc <br />