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7C, Lift Station Rehabilitation
City Council
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7C, Lift Station Rehabilitation
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Last modified
10/24/2024 10:32:33 AM
Creation date
3/25/2011 7:48:30 AM
March 28, 2011 Reg. City Council Meeting
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BO�TON & MENK, INC. <br />Terms oi Proposal <br />Botton & Menk, Inc. <br />The acwmpanying Proposal(hereinafter referret3 to as "Proposal") is subject to the following terms and <br />cond�tions. These '�'erms of Proposal (hereinafter referred to as "Terms"} are an integral part of the <br />Proposal as if stated direcily therein. No ehange or de�iation frorn these Terms will be binding wilhout the <br />wriEten approval oi Bolton & Menk, Inc. S�ch changes may require an adjustment in the proposed fee, <br />schedule or scope of the Proposa�. <br />A. Services: Boltan & Menk Inc. proposes to perform the services oudined in t�e Proposal for the sEated fee <br />arrangement Changes reguired by the Client or other controtling entities (regulatory agencies, contractors, courts, <br />etc.) from the scope or schedUie of services descEibed in the Proposal shaI] be considered "Additional Services" and <br />wii] be invoiced on an hourly basis in addition to the sta[ed fee arrangement. <br />S. lnfor�malion from Client: Unless otherwis� stated, Client agrees to provide Bolton & Menk lnc. with all site <br />information necessary to complete the proposed services. This information should include current site property <br />descriptions (frorn abstracE, titie api�ion or title camrnitment); other tegal documents affecting the site; copies of <br />previous surveys, maps, engineerin� studies and pians; existing ar required soils and geotechnical reports; <br />governmental, regulatory an.d utility reviews and determinations; and al] other pertinent inforn�ation. Client shall <br />promptly inform BoIton & Menk inc. of any alleged defects in services provided or the project. <br />C. Access to Site: Unless otherwise stated, Cliern agrees to provide Bohon & Menk Inc. with access to the site, <br />including adjoining properties, for activities necessary for the perfarmance of services. It is understood that in the <br />norrrial course of wor�C, property d�mage Enay occur due to excavations, tree and brush trimming, marking lines, etc. <br />The cost to correcE resuIting damaQes has not been ine�uded in ihe fee. Bolton & Menk ine. wi1� take precautions to <br />minimize damage due to these activities anc� the Client agrees to reimburse Bokton & Menk Inc. for any costs <br />associa[ed with required restoration work. <br />D. 5tandard of Care: Professiona3 services provided uncier this Agreement will be cond�cted in a rnanner <br />consistent with that leve] o� care and skill ardinarily excrcised by n�embers of Bolton & Menk Inc's profession <br />currently practicing under similar conditions. Balton & Menk Inc. makes no expressed or impiied warranty <br />with respect to its undertakings described herein. <br />E. Certi�cations: Any certifcation pro�ided by Boiton & Menk Inc. is a professional opinion based upon <br />knowledge, information and beliefs availabie to Bolton & Menk Inc. at the time of certification. Such certiiications <br />are not intended as and sha11 not be construed as a guarantee or warranry, Bolton & Menk Inc. shall not be required <br />to ceetify the existence of conditions whose existence Bolton & Menk Inc, cannot reasonably ascertain. <br />F Project Approvals: Bue io site lireiitations, code interpretations. regulatory reviews, poIitical considerations and <br />Client directed design and irrtprovements, Soltan & Menk Inc. makes no representations as to acceptabi]fty or <br />appravabiliry of the pro}ect; or, zoning reqUests, permit applications, site and development pla�s, plats and similar <br />�acuments. Payment of fees to Bolton & Menk Inc. is not contin2enr �apon project approval. <br />G. Opinions or Estimaies of Project Costs: Where included as part of project scopc or otherwise, opinions or <br />estimates of project cost wi11 generaily be based upan p�ab]ic construction cost information. Sinee Bolton & Menk <br />Inc. has no control over the casi o#� ]abor, materiais; eompetitive bidd[ng process, weather conditions and other <br />factors affecting the cost of constructian, a]i cost estimates are opinions for general information of the Client and <br />Bolton & Menk Inc. does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of construction cost opinions ar estirr�ates. Project <br />f nancing should be based upon acwal, contracted construction eosts with appropriate contingencies <br />H. Constr�etion Phase Serviees: if construction phase en�ineering or staking services are ine]uded in this <br />Proposa} or subsequently authorized, Client is notified [haE Bo]ton & Menk lnc. is not be responsib]e for means, <br />methods, techniques or procedures of construction selectcd by any eontractor employed on thP <br />project �ar for the safety precaations or programs incident to the work of any contractor. <br />Lift Station Impro�ements <br />City of Arden f�iils, MN Page 4 <br />$ �- B� <br />'^ a__e. . . ... <br />_ _ � , s.¢a.«,°k'".e?.n.6�...._:.._..__........_T �.._ . - <br />
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