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� <br />EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: Maxc� 28, 2011 <br />TO: Honorabie Mayor and City Councilmembers <br />Patrick HIaers, City Adminis�rator , � <br />FROM: Terry Maur�r, Public Works Director � <br />.� <br />SUBJECT: Purchase of Two "Zero-Turn" Mowers <br />Back�round <br />The 2411-2015 Amended Equipment Capital Improvement Plan (CIP} approved on <br />March 14, 2011 has iz� 2011 Replacing a 2001 Taro Gro�ndnaaster with two "zero-turn" <br />mowers. The old Groundxzaaster is ane of three in the City fleet. It is equipped to be used <br />both far surnmer grass mawing and in winter for snow removal. By replacing the <br />Groundmaster with iwo "zero-turn" zx�.owers, Public Works is acquiring equipment that is <br />£aster at mowing grass {6.2 ac/hr vs 3.6 ac/1�r), uses about one half the fuel aa�d is <br />ergonomically better for the operator. The winter snow removal function will be able to <br />be accomplished by the twb remaining Groundmasters in the City fle�t and the recently <br />acquired Tool Cat. Generaily, two "zero-furn" mawers can be acquired for less dollars <br />than replacing the Groundmasier with a sirr�z�ax piece of �quipment. <br />Minnesota Coo erative Purchasin Venture CP <br />The City of Axden Hills currently maintains a free membership in ihe Minn.esota <br />Cooperative Purchasing Venture Progra�. This allows the City to participaie in State <br />specifications and bid prices, resulting in the City of Arder� Hills paying the same arnount <br />for a single piece of equipment as the State does for nwnerous pieces. <br />��Zero-Turn" Mowers <br />There aze three different makes of "zero-iZzrn" mowers listed in the State contract; John <br />Deere, Toro and eXmark. A summary of the features of the rnodel eac� manufacturer <br />offers is included in the following tab�e: <br />City Council Meeting <br />P:1AdminlCouncillAgendas & Packet Infprmation1201113-28-11 ReguIarlPacket Informationl3-28-11 MowerMemo.doc <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />