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statutory obligations that Ramsey County has to provide police protection <br />to the MUNICII'ALYTY. <br />5. Services shall be provided 24 hou�rs per day and shall be performed by the <br />number af deputies and other personnel budgeted far in th� COiTNTY'S <br />Appraved Budget for these services to the MUNICIPALITIES. <br />6. To facilitate the C�UNTY' S performance pursuant to this Agreement, the <br />M[JNICIPALITY agrees that the COUNTY shall have fi�ll cooperation <br />and assistance froz� the MUNICIPALITY, its officers, agents and <br />ernployees. The MLTNICIPALITY shall designate a liaisan to ti�e Ramsey <br />County Sheriff's Department. The liaison sha11 attend meetings of the <br />Sheriff's Coniract Communiti�s Cornrnittee and shall represent their <br />respective MUNICIPALITY at their rneetings. The purpose of these <br />meetings is to develop short-term and long range plans and to coordinate <br />and analyze police service, to develop budget parameters for disiributing <br />costs betvaeen the municipalities, and otk�er related public service issues. <br />The Sheriff's Contract Communities Co�nnamittee shall aisa review any <br />disputes which arise between the MLTNICIPALITIES and/or Sheriff's <br />Departxnent and recommend a resolution. <br />7. The COLTNTY shall furnish and supply all necessary labor, supervision, <br />eqnipment, communication faciiities and dispaiching, and supplies <br />necessary to provide services pursuant to this Agreement. <br />S. All deputy sherii�s, clerks, c�ispatchers, and all other COUNTY personnel <br />performing duties pursuant to this Agreement shall at all times be <br />considered employees of �he C�LTNTY for all purposes. <br />9. The name of each of the MLTN�CIAALITIES that contract with tkxe <br />Sheriffls Department for law enforcement �ervices shall be affxed to all <br />squad cars and other maj or pieces of equipment used primarily within <br />these MLTNICIPALITIES. <br />B. ASSUMPTION 4F LZABILITIESIINSURANCE <br />Except as atherwise provided, the Mi.TNICIPALITY sha11 not be called <br />�pon to assurme any liability for the direct payme�t of any salaries, �xrages, <br />or other compensation to any CO[JNTY persoz3nel performing s�r�vices <br />hereunder for said MUNICIPALITY, and the COIJNTY hereby assumes <br />said Iiabilities. <br />2. Except as herein otherwise specified, the MLTNtCIPALITY shall not be <br />liable far cozxipensation or indemnity to any COLTNTY employee fox <br />injury ar szcl�ess arising out of this employment, and the CQUNTY <br />