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� <br />EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: April 1 �, 2011 <br />T4: Honora�le Mayor and City Counci�members <br />Patrick Klaers, City Ad�ninistrator � <br />� <br />FROM: Terry Maurer, Public Works Director � <br />� <br />SUBJECT: PCI Rerating of Streets and Trails <br />Back�round <br />ln 201 l the rerating of t�e streets and �rails (�oth eoncrete and bituminous} are due to be <br />done. The first time ihe trails were rated was four years ago. The rerating of ihe streets <br />has been done on a three year cycle. The (re)rating �as been done by Goodpointe <br />Technology who hosts the IC�N software the City uses for our Pavement Manageme�t <br />System. <br />Attached is a q�ote from Goodpointe Technology to accarnplish the rerating. The cost to <br />rerate t�e approximately 15 miles of trails is $2,875. The cos� to rerate the 3l mi�es of <br />streets is $235 per centerline mile ar a total of $7,285. In addition, staff has asked to <br />have three parking lots included in the rating at a cost of $250 each or $750. Therefore <br />the total cost would be $ l 0,910. The proposaI �rom Goodpointe Technology also <br />includes $9S� for a consuIting package hut since Roseville uses the same software and <br />manages our da�a this service frorr� Goodpointe Techno�ogy is not needed. <br />From a budget standpoint the fundi�g for the trai� ra�i�g and parking lat rating is in the <br />2011 operating budget of Parks and Public Works. Tlze street rating cost is factored into <br />the CIP PMP projects over the three year life of the rating. Tk�e Directar of Finance and <br />Administrative Services �as eonfirmed these funding sources. <br />Council Action Rec�uested <br />It is requested that the City Council aut�arize entering into the agreement with <br />Goodpointe Techno�ogy to rerate the traiIs, streets and three parking lots at a cost not to <br />exceed $10,910. <br />City Council Meeting <br />P_'�,Adrr3inlCouncillA�endas & Packet lnfor�nation1201114-1 1-1 I RegularlPacket lnfarmationl4-1 I-1 1PC1 Reratin�Memo.doc <br />Pa�e 9 of l <br />