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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — MARCH 21, 2011 5 <br />concurrent with the interchange project and to totally fund it with Trunk Highway <br />dollars. This is an estimated $400,000 project. <br />6. On Condition #14, dealing with the County Road E Bridge, MnDOT states the bridge <br />could be advance constructed and commits to working with the County and City to <br />develop the project. Ramsey County's letter indicates they are working with MnDOT <br />on the project, will be applying for STP funding, and the application will include <br />pedestrian facilities the City sought in 2009. <br />Public Works Director Maurer stated that Staff believes MnDOT has moved a significant <br />amount from their original response to the City's 14 conditions and that this is the best deal we are <br />likely to get with the commitment to making bridge improvements and getting potential assistance <br />with the funding of County improvements on Lexington Avenue. He explained that Staff would <br />like direction from Council regarding the noise wall and whether or not MnDOT's current <br />response is acceptable for granting Municipal Consent. He then stated if the Council is not <br />agreeable, then they would move forward with the Appeals Board process. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned what the Appeals Board considers. <br />Public Works Director Maurer explained that the Appeals Board will only look at things in the <br />lay -out and pedestrian facilities would be outside that scope. He added that the State <br />Transportation Commissioner can ignore the Appeals Board ruling if it would be in the best <br />interest of the state transportation system to do so. State law gives the Commissioner that <br />authority for projects on the Interstate system. <br />Councilmember Holden stated that if the City decides not to proceed with a noise wall then that <br />should be communicated to the residents in that area. <br />Mayor Grant stated that it was 6:00 p.m. and time for the Joint Work Session with the PTRC. <br />Mayor Grant moved and Councilmember Tamble seconded the motion to move to <br />item 3.A on the Agenda. Motion carried unanimously (5 -0). <br />3.A 2011 PTRC Goals and Work Plan <br />Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Chairman Steve Scott commented that more people <br />work in Arden Hills than live in the City and that there is full use of all recreation opportunities <br />within Arden Hills. He stated that the number one amenity in cities is their recreational and green <br />space area. He stated there are 14 parks in Arden Hills. He then asked each PTRC member to <br />introduce themselves and talk about where they live in Arden Hills. <br />Committee Chairman Scott then reviewed the 2011 Goals for the PTRC: <br />GOAL 1. Review and analyze the impact of establishing a fee structure for field use <br />in the City and bring a recommendation to Council. <br />