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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — MARCH 21, 2011 <br />Committee Chairman Scott explained that the PTRC would like to highlight committee <br />activities such as the bench donation program through the City Newsletter to inform residents and <br />solicit input. He also suggested the Committee could write or suggest articles for the Newsletter, <br />possibly quarterly. <br />Councilmember Holden suggested that the PTRC work with local businesses to establish a <br />bench donation program. She also suggested that they consider extending the trail to allow <br />students access to the high school property. <br />Councilmember Holmes commented that the PTRC should focus on bringing the Crepeau <br />Nature Preserve back to its original intent. She also talked about the triangle shaped property that <br />Presbyterian Homes will be donating to the City and thought that might be a good place for a <br />garden area. <br />Mayor Grant commented that some of the City gardens do very well while others do not. He <br />hoped that the PTRC would look at fixing up and replanting the less successful City garden sites. <br />Committee Member O'Malley suggested that the PTRC take a look at all the City garden sites <br />when they do their annual park tour. <br />Don Messerly suggested the following as possible PTRC projects: <br />• Garden Club <br />• Bird Club <br />• Rain Gardens Education <br />• Plant Trees on Arbor Day <br />• Community Survey <br />• Recognize Private Gardens in the City <br />• Park Clean -up Days <br />• Banners <br />• Wild Flowers in Crepeau Park <br />Committee Chair Scott then reviewed the final PTRC goal. <br />GOAL 4. Review the need for trail signage along trail corridors in the City and <br />recommend a trail signage plan. <br />3.B CP Rail Mural Contest Recommendation <br />Committee Chair Scott reported that the PTRC had decided not to proceed with the mural <br />contest for the CP Rail railway crossing where there has been so many problems with graffiti. He <br />explained that the committee suggested planting vines to cover the surface or possibly some type <br />of lighting to deter graffiti. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned if a different surface could be placed on the bulkhead that <br />would deter graffiti. <br />