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3. Research, review, comment and recommend approval on the following specific projects: <br />a. Bench Implementation — Bench Location <br />b. Valentine Park Improvements <br />c. Adopt a Garden Program <br />d. Trail Maintenance Plan <br />4. Review the need for trail signage along trail corridors in the City and recommend a trail <br />signage plan to the Council. <br />D. Committee Expectations: <br />While the work required of PTRC members will vary both across members and across time, the <br />following expectations are generally held of all committee members: <br />1. The interests of Arden Hills and its citizens are foremost <br />2. Participation of PTRC members is key to their contribution — <br />a. Members should be present and involved in meetings of the <br />committee. <br />b. Members should be actively engaged in discussing issues, sharing <br />perspectives, and raising questions that are essential to good <br />decision- making. <br />c. Effective participation derives from continually learning about <br />Arden Hills parks, trails, and recreation and the physical and <br />political environments in which they exist. This learning includes <br />those formal opportunities afforded by the PTRC, as well as <br />informal opportunities that occur in the course of one's activities. <br />d. As a general guideline, members should expect to spend <br />approximately 6 to 8 hours per month in their work on the <br />committee. <br />3. The PTRC is a group of peers — no one member has more standing or power than <br />others. <br />4. Respect for the opinions of each other, and for those with whom the PTRC interacts, <br />is a hallmark of the committee's work. Members seek clarity in presenting their <br />views, and represent a sense of stewardship in all that they do. <br />5. PTRC members engage in continual self - assessment of their performance on the <br />committee. As needs arise, they seek education and skills necessary to their <br />performance. As a collective, the committee develops changes in its composition, <br />structure and function as needed. <br />6. The PTRC provides opportunities for the education of its members, both as part of <br />committee meetings, and through access to educational events in other settings. <br />Members actively engage in this education as part of their responsibility to the <br />committee. <br />7. Some of the work of the PTRC is in areas of subjective judgment, where there is not <br />enough hard information to make the decisions that are necessary. Members who are <br />most successful in these decisions are those who are aware of the values they hold, <br />willing to engage in the discussion of those values, and respectful of those values <br />held by others that may differ from their own. <br />8. The PTRC is composed of individuals with diverse perspectives and experience. The <br />committee benefits from the contrasts that this diversity engenders, and seeks to <br />improve the decisions it makes and the actions it takes by understanding the conflicts <br />and resolving the disputes that arise in the discussion of issues and plans. <br />2 <br />