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.......................... <br />.......................... ............................... <br />......... ................ <br />Consulting Group Inc, <br />SRF No. 0117417 <br />DRAFT MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Kristine Giga, P.E., Civil Engineer <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Meagan Beekman, City Planner <br />City of Arden Hills <br />FROM: Craig Vaughn, P.E., PTOE, Senior Associate <br />Matthew Pacyna, P.E., Senior Engineer <br />DATE: April 6, 2011 <br />SUBJECT: PULTE HOMES TRAFFIC STUDY <br />INTRODUCTION <br />As requested, SRF Consulting Group has completed a traffic study for the proposed Pulte Homes <br />residential development located in the City of Arden Hills (see Figure 1 — Project Location). The <br />main objectives of this study are to evaluate the existing roadway conditions; determine the <br />future traffic volume generated by the development and any subsequent traffic impacts to the <br />adjacent roadway network; and recommend any necessary improvements to accommodate the <br />proposed development. Furthermore, a review of area traffic patterns was completed to <br />determine the impact of the proposed roadway connections within the area. <br />EXISTING CONDITIONS <br />Existing traffic operations were analyzed at the following key intersections: <br />• County Road 96 and Snelling Avenue <br />• County Road 96 and Keithson Drive <br />• Snelling Avenue and Royal Hills Drive <br />• Hamline Avenue and Arden View Court <br />All of the key intersections are currently unsignalized, with side - street stop control. County <br />Road 96 is a four -lane divided roadway with a posted speed limit of 50 miles per hour (mph). <br />Hamline Avenue North is a three -lane roadway (two -lane roadway with a center two -way left- <br />turn lane (TWLTL)) with a posted speed limit of 40 mph. The other roadways within the study <br />area are two -lane roadways with posted speed limits of 30 mph. Full- access is provided at each <br />key intersection. Intersection observations and vehicular a.m. and p.m. peak hour turning <br />movement counts were collected by SRF Consulting Group in March 2011. Existing geometries, <br />traffic controls, and peak hour traffic volumes for the key intersections are shown in Figure 2. <br />www.srfeansuitingicom <br />One Carison Parkway N .5 7-4443 763.475,.001() x7 75 ;29 <br />An Equal Oppmtnnity Employer <br />