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Kristine Giga, P.E. <br />City of Arden Hills <br />April 6, 2011 <br />Page 9 <br />Using the future Arden View Drive and Royal Hills Drive intersection as one end point and the <br />Hamline Avenue and Colleen Avenue intersection as another, travel time runs were completed <br />between the two points to determine if one route was quicker than the other. The roadways <br />associated with the two routes include: <br />1) Arden View Drive, Arden View Court, and Hamline Avenue <br />2) Royal Hills Drive, Snelling Avenue, McClung Drive, Colleen Avenue, and Hamline Avenue <br />Results of the travel time comparison (shown in Figure 6) indicate that the difference between <br />the two routes is negligible. Based on this information, the amount of development traffic that <br />originates or is destined for Hamline Avenue (south of the development) is not expected to take <br />one of the two routes more than the other. Therefore, the increase in traffic volume due to the <br />proposed development along Colleen Avenue and Arden View Drive will be similar. Taking into <br />account the expected trip generation and directional distribution, these roadways will see an <br />increase of approximately 75 vehicles per day (vpd) respectively. This increase assumes <br />Alternative 1 conditions, which represents a worst-case scenario for impacts to these roadways. <br />To determine the increase in traffic volumes along Keithson Drive due to the potential roadway <br />connection (Alternative 2), the location of the driveways within the proposed development were <br />reviewed. These driveways were reviewed to determine the most likely route that vehicles will <br />use to enter /exit the neighborhood. Based on this analysis, Keithson Drive will see an increase <br />of approximately 75 to 100 vpd. It should be noted that approximately 75 vpd correlates to <br />approximately 5 to 10 vehicles during the peak hours. The combination of background traffic <br />and trips generated by the proposed development for year 2013 Alternative 1 and 2 build <br />conditions are shown in Figure 7 and 8, respectively. <br />YEAR 2013 ALTERNATIVE 1 BUILD CONDITIONS <br />To determine how well the existing roadway network will operate under year 2013 Alternative 1 <br />build conditions, an operations analysis was completed for the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Results <br />of the year 2013 Alternative 1 build operations analysis shown in Table 3 indicate all key <br />intersections will continue to operate at an acceptable overall LOS A during the a.m. and p.m. <br />peak hours with the existing geometric layout and traffic control. All side - street approaches will <br />continue to operate at LOS D or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, with minimal <br />impacts to the side - street delays. No queuing issues are expected. <br />Table 3 <br />Year 2013 Peak Hour Capacity Analysis — Alternative 1 <br />Level of Service Results <br />Intersection <br />Level of Service and Delays <br />A.M. Peak Hour <br />P.M. Peak Hour <br />LOS <br />Delays <br />LOS <br />Delays <br />County Road 96 and Snelling Avenue* <br />A/C <br />20 sec. <br />A/D <br />30 sec. <br />County Road 96 and Keithson Drive* <br />A/B <br />15 sec. <br />A/C <br />20 sec. <br />Snelling Avenue and Royal Hills Drive* <br />A/B <br />10 sec. <br />A/B <br />10 sec. <br />Hamline Avenue and Arden View Court* <br />A/D <br />30 sec. <br />A/B <br />15 sec. <br />* Indicates an unsignalized intersection with side- street stop control. The overall LOS is shown followed by the <br />worst approach LOS. <br />