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Mea an Beekman <br />From: Meagan Beekman <br />Sent; Tuesday, ApriE 19, 2011 9:20 AM <br />70: Meagan Beekman <br />5�bject: RE: Fax Ridge Subdi�isior� <br />Meagan, Clayton, <br />You provided a good response to Mr NeEson, Meagan - in your typicafly thoraug� manner. Control of runoff <br />from the lot at the sauthwest corner of the develapment onto the existing residential lot along Snelling seems <br />to pose another chailenging eanditian. Drainage reports and the re�iew of �hem are [�ey elements of this case <br />ir� my �iew. The email fram Ms. Tredal was also interesting. All of which hint at an interest�ng meeting next <br />Wednesday. <br />That leads rne to another reason for writing. As you know, I'rr� currently working on a project in Dufuth for the <br />Callege of St Scholastica and we're mobilizing now for the actual construction to start. Most Iifcely I'll he <br />spendEr�g a couple days a week up there for the next year. Weekly progress meetings ha�e been scheciuled on <br />Wednesday afternoons which was not my first chaice. In light af that ar�d coupled with a very aggressi�e <br />challenge to rneet on schedu[e for the project this sumrr�er, I regrettabEy know that the tim� has came far rr�e <br />to step down as commissioner, D�r first weekly meeting is next Wednesday and with other things crap�ing up <br />to �end to that day, it's not laoking fike I'fl get bacfc by 6:3�. <br />!t's been very nearly 10 years for rne on the commission, I thir�k, and they have afl b��n good. And whil� I'm <br />not dropping off the face of the earth or anything, I do want to ex�er�d my best to afl af you and to say that <br />serving with you has nat only been rewarding, but an honor as well. <br />As e�er, <br />Liz <br />1 <br />