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� <br />EN HYLLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: Apri125, 2Q11 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers <br />Patrick HIaers, City Administrator <br />FROM: Ter�y Maurer, Public Works Director <br />SUBJECT: Pnrchase of One Tpn Truck with Dump <br />Back round <br />The 2011-20 i S amended Equipment Capital Improvement Plan {CIP} approved on Maxch <br />� 4, 2011, includes in 2011 replacing a one ton iruck with c�ump and a p1ow. The old one <br />ton is a 2000 Ford equipped v�th a durrip and a plow. <br />Minnesota Coonerative Purcha�in� Venture fCPV) <br />The City of Arden Hills currently maintains a free membership in #he Minneso�a <br />Cooperative Purchasing Venture Program. This a�lows the City to participate in State <br />specifica�ions and bid prices, resulting in the City of Arden Hills paying the same amount <br />for a single piece o� equipment as the State does for numerous pieces. <br />Bud�et <br />The 2011 CIP has a hudget for the purchase af the new one ton with a dump anc� sander <br />of $62,000 which includes a�ade-in value of $5,000 for the 2000 Ford. Midway F'ord <br />has ihe State contract for the one ton chassis. The �tate contract price for the chassis with <br />sales tax is $38,933.38. Truck Utilities o� St. Paul holds the State contract for outfitting <br />the chassis. The outf tting would include a lift box and plow. The total cosi <br />sales ta�c for this work is $27,680.51. Adding the license, the total cost of ihe truck wouid <br />be very close to ihe budgeted CIP of $b7,000. <br />The 2000 Foxd that this truck replaces would be sent to auction once the City takes <br />delivery o� the new vehicle. In a recent conversation with the auction house we would <br />use they indicated ihat we are likely to recei�e more than the estimated $5,000, p�rhaps <br />as much as $10,000. Using the $5,000 estimate would bring ti�e net transaction very <br />close to the estimated tatal transaction budgeted in the CIP of $62,000. <br />City Council Meeting <br />11Metro-inet.uslardenhi11s1AdminlCouncillAgendas & Packet Information1201114-25-11 RegularlPacket Informationl4-25-T 1 <br />one ton truck memo.doc <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />