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4a���t��spT�yo <br />� a <br />o� <br />���� Y4lP�`5C <br />�ir�rt��s��� �e��r�rr���� �f 1°'�a��p���#ic�� <br />C�i��r��►�c�litar� �istri�� <br />1500 West Caur�ty I�nad �-2 <br />Roseville, MN 55113 <br />May 9 2, 2Q'I 1 <br />Patrick Klaers <br />City of Arden Hills <br />1245 West Highway 96 <br />Arden Hills, MN 551 �2-5743 <br />RE: I-6941TH 5'flTH 1 � <br />Appeal Peocess <br />Dear Pafirick: <br />Thank you for your continu�d par�icipation in the Municipal Cor�sent process fior the l-694 <br />Bridge Replacem�nt project. Based on informatiar� conveyed b�tween Arden Hilfs and <br />NlnlDOT subsequent ta th� April �9, 2011 Appeal Boarc[ He�ring, Arden Hills and Mn/DC?T <br />�tave moved iowards Arcten HiEfs granfing CVlur�icipa! Consent. <br />On Monday May 2, 2�19, Arden Hills s�aff and experts visited MniDC1T to review Traffie <br />Forecasts and the Noise Modef. Upon concfusion of this meetir�g, Arden Hilis had a better <br />understanding of the Traffic Forecasting process and i#s impact to the Noise Analysis. <br />Mn/DOT aisa provided Arden Hills with the �ote�tial Excess Soil Stora�� Berm ir�formation <br />incl�dfng plan view and cross sections. Qn May 5, 20� �, MnID�T }�rovide� Arden Hills <br />with a memo explaining the detaiis of said berm. <br />As sta�ed in the May 5, 2011 letter from Mark Lincleberg to tYte A�apeal Boarci members, <br />MnIDOT has agr�ed to form and cc�r�rdinate a s�udy group to look at exis��ng non- <br />matorized/ped�strian facilities. Initial contacis have been made to establisl� a date for the <br />ltick�aff meeting. And, MnlD�T cammitted fo upgrading fhe non-rnoforiz�dlpedes�rian <br />crossirtg an th� Lexingtr�n Avenue brid�e ta provid� for an improved 'i2' wid� pa�ed <br />surface. Mn1DOT rrvil[ be meeting with Arden HilEs and Shoreview staff to determine the <br />ap�aropriate Incatian for this crossing. <br />As a part of th� Appeal Board Hearing, the Appeal �oard direcfied Arden Hills and MnIDOT <br />to address these three �ssues. Seeing as Arden Hills and Mn1D�T have substantiaf <br />An Equal Qpportunity �mp[e�y�r <br />