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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—March 28, 2011 4 <br /> 7. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. I694/TH 51 Municipal Consent Resolution <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated on October 25, 2010, the City Council adopted <br /> Resolution 2010-052 Disapproving the Final Layout of 1-694/TH 51 with Conditions. There were <br /> 14 conditions attached to that resolution. Since that time there have been ongoing negotiations <br /> with Mn/DOT regarding the conditions and Ramsey County participated in the discussions. On <br /> February 9, 2011, a meeting was convened by Senator Goodwin and Representative Knuth. In <br /> attendance were the City of Arden Hills, Ramsey County and Mn/DOT. The City has received <br /> two letters from Mn/DOT concerning the 14 conditions since the adoption of Resolution 2010- <br /> 052. The first was dated November 29, 2010 and was the result of several meetings between <br /> Mn/DOT and City Staff. It dealt with a number of the 14 conditions but several of them <br /> unresolved. The second Mn/DOT letter was dated February 28, 2011, and was the result of the <br /> meeting held by Senator Goodwin and Representative Knuth. The second letter went further than <br /> the first and dealt with two key traffic mitigation issues on the local system. The City has recently <br /> received a third letter from Mn/DOT dated March 22, 2011, that clarifies and corrects Conditions <br /> 42 and #3 from the February 28, 2011, letter dealing with noise mitigation measures. The latest <br /> letter states that the City has until April 29, 2011, to make a decision on funding for the noise wall <br /> and indicates that Mn/DOT will have their designers take a more detailed look at berming on the <br /> south side of 1-694. At the work session on March 21, 2011, the City Council reviewed <br /> Mn/DOT's response to the original 14 conditions and felt that sufficient progress has been made <br /> to provide Municipal Consent to Layout 2A for the 1-694/TH 51 Improvement. The City could <br /> choose not to give Municipal Consent at this time and the appeal process would move forward. <br /> Mr. Maurer advised the Council that State law allows the Commission to choose not to follow the <br /> appeal board recommendation and the City could risk the compromises that have been reached. If <br /> the City approves the Resolution before them then this will rescind Resolution 2010-052 and give <br /> Municipal Consent. <br /> Coouncilmember Werner asked how many projects in the Twin Cities area have gone through <br /> the appeal process and what the results were for these projects. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated he was aware of two projects that had gone through the <br /> appeal process. The appeal board approved the project in Belle Plaine 2-1 and the other project <br /> was Crosstown and that project is currently being done. He stated he could not be sure if the <br /> communities had gotten what they were requesting through the appeal process because he was not <br /> aware of what their specific issues had been. <br /> Councilmembcr Tamble asked if the City would be limited to the original fourteen conditions <br /> during the appeal process or if the City could ask for additional items. He stated most of the <br /> original conditions had been addressed adequately and there was not much more the City could <br /> expect to gain except in regards to additional funding for the sound walls. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated he did not believe the City could add to the fourteen <br /> conditions or bring up things that have not been brought up previously. Some of the conditions <br /> could be defined more specifically but they could not add conditions. The best option for the City <br /> at the appeal hearing would be to address the consequences of the project on the City and how <br />