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PC Packets 2011
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5/17/2011 8:31:47 AM
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION—April 6, 2011 7 <br /> 3.B. Planning Case 11-006; Preliminary Plat and Comprehensive Plan Amendment; <br /> PulteGroup and Alliant Engineering; 4500 Snelling Avenue North — Public Hearing <br /> (continued) <br /> Commissioner Holewa asked if the traffic study took into account the proposed fly over at <br /> Highway 10 and County Road 96. <br /> Mr. Pacyna stated the traffic analysis was analyzed with the proposed fly over and the <br /> estimates provided are a worst-case scenario. <br /> Mr. Ian Peterson, VP Pulte Homes, provided an overview of the housing industry, as it is <br /> today and the development that Pulte Homes has done over the last two years. He <br /> outlined three amendments he would like to make to the conditions being proposed by the <br /> City. He clarified there are currently five lots in the development area that already meet <br /> the City's requirements for having a building permit issued and he asked that these be <br /> clarified in Condition 12. He also stated with Condition 16 the outlot on parcel 8 in the <br /> subdivison will not be part of the Home Owners Association (HOA) but will transfer to <br /> the neighboring property and they will maintain this area. He also requested Condition <br /> 17 should include the two trees in the back of each property to be installed at the time <br /> each home is constructed. The other landscaping within the landscaping plan would be <br /> completed by the fall of 2011. <br /> Mr. Jeremy Deer, Senior Scientist with Malcolm Pirme, stated they have been in <br /> communication with Rice Creek Water Shed and they are recommending approval of the <br /> proposed plan. Any wetland that may be impacted during the construction will be <br /> restored to the condition it was prior to the development. City Staff has requested <br /> retaining walls be set back a minimum of five feet from the wetlands. At this time Pulte <br /> is proposing a minimum of five feet where there is a roadway and retaining walls and an <br /> average of a thirty-foot set back in other areas. He also stated Pulte is requesting <br /> additional guidance regarding how the City would like to have the wetland buffer area <br /> protected since the City did not have a requirement. <br /> Chair Larson stated signs had been mentioned and proposed but this was something that <br /> could be talked about. <br /> Commissioner Holewa asked how far the structure would be from the wetlands on Block <br /> 4,Lot 18 if the home were constructed in the corner closest to the wetlands. <br /> Mr. Clark Wicklund, Vice President for Alliant Engineering, Inc., stated the retaining <br /> wall is set 5-feet from the wetland edge and the proposed structure is 5-feet to 12.5 feet <br /> from the edge of the retaining wall. <br /> Commissioner Holewa asked when construction would be expected to start and when the <br /> proposed development would be fully occupied. <br /> Mr. Peterson stated construction is expected to start June 1, 2011 with a goal to have a <br /> home in the fall Parade of Homes. Pulte's goal would be to sell 20 homes per year, <br />
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