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PLANNED UNIT DEVEI�OPMENT PERM�T <br />AMENDMENT N0. 3 <br />TRAV�RSE BUSINESS CENTER <br />CITY OF ARDEN HtLLS <br />PC# 06-040 <br />1.4 Parties. This Amendment No. 3 to the Planned fJnit Development Permit is <br />dated the 15t Day of Jur�e, 2011, and is entered into by and be�ween the City of Arden <br />Hills, a Minnesota statutory city ("City"); and CMK Arden Holdir�gs, A Minnesata <br />Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership, its successors and assi�ns <br />{"CMK"). <br />2.Q Recitals. <br />A. The City and CMK are parties to the certain PEanned Unit Develapment <br />Permit dated October 29, 20Q7 ("A�reement"}. <br />B. The Parties wish to Amend Section 3.0 Subd B.9.a of the Ptanned Unit <br />Development Permit as hereinafter spetified. <br />3.0 Terms an� Conditions of Rermit. In consideration of the undertakin�s herein <br />expressed, the Ciiy and CMK agree as fotlows: <br />A. Section 3.a Subd B.1.a is hereby amended in its entirety to read as <br />foilows: <br />a. On ar before July 30, 2014, AppE3cant shail apply for and obtain <br />all required Buildin� Permits far Phase I or this PUD Permit, as it <br />retates to Phases I, II, and III shall expire ur�less the Arden Hills <br />City Council approves an extension. A request fo� an extension <br />must be submitted to tf�e City Planner at least forty-five (45) <br />days prior to July 30, 20�4, and shall detail the Applicant's <br />reasons for the extension request. <br />B. All other pro��sions of the A�reement sf�all remain in fuli force and <br />effect. <br />1 <br />