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B. CompEiance. The Traverse Bus�ness Center sha[l be developed on t�e <br />Property in compliance with ti�e Fir�al PUD Pians fo�- Phases f, ll, III <br />except as hereinafter modified. <br />1. phasin of Devefo me�tlEx irat�on of PUD Permi�. <br />a. On or be#ore July 30, 2008, Applicant shafl ap�ly for and <br />obtain a!t required Buiiding i�ermiis for PF�ase I or t��s PUD <br />Permit, as i� relates to P�ases I, Il, and lil shall expire <br />unless the Arden Hil[s City Council approv�s an ex�en5ion. <br />A request for an extension must be su#�rnitted �o t�� City <br />Planner at [east forty-five {45} days prior ta July 30, 2008, <br />and sha�l detail the Applicant's reasons far the extensfan <br />request. <br />b. On or before July 3Q, 2011, Applicar�t shail apply �or and <br />obtain a!l requi�ed Buildang Pet-mits for �hase �I o�' t�is PUD <br />Permit, as it re�ates to Phases il and lfl, wilt expire unless <br />the Arden Hills City Cauncit ap�rov2s an exter�sian. A <br />request for an exten5ion musi be submitted to the City <br />planner at ieast farty-five (45j days prior to Juty 3Q, 2011 <br />ar�d shali deiafl the ,4ppticar�t's reasons far the �xter�sion <br />t�eque5t. <br />c. Phase I�I has anly received Master PUD pian approval. On <br />or before Juiy 30, 2p7Z. Appi3cant sl�al[ abtain Final pUD <br />Pfan approval f�r Phase I�I unless fihe Arden hlills C�iy <br />�ounci! approves a� extensian. A reques� for a� extens3on <br />must be s�bmitted ta the City P�ar�ner at teast forty-fi�e <br />(45) days prior to Ju[y 30, 2012 and shall detaii the <br />Applicar�t's reasons for �he exiens�on request. <br />d. Applica�t shail su�mit a progress report r�gardin� tfie <br />status of Phases !, li anc! If1 to the Arden Hilts City Co�ncil <br />at the first re�ular meeti�� in the mor�th of Decem�er of <br />each year cammencin� in December of 2007. <br />2. �andsca in . <br />a. The Applicant shall submit a[ar�dscapin� Phasing Plan for <br />Phases t and II. The Phasing Plan shali be s���ect to the <br />Arden Hills City p(anner a�prova[. Tt�e LandScaping Plan for <br />Phase f sha�! be capabte af creat�ng a finished laok for <br />�'hase 1 in the event P�ase II is not pursued. <br />b. The Appl�cant shail provide at leasfi 978 aver story trees for <br />Fhases ! and 11. <br />