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Mn/DOT Contract N�: 98490-R <br />facilities vvhen replacements are reqUired and r�ot covered by a contract pay item, vvithout cost or expense to <br />the State or the contractor, except for replacement of units ancf/or parts broken or da�naged by ihe contracior. <br />3. Maintenanee by the City. <br />Upon corripletion of i�e project, the City wiil provide the foiEowing without cost or expense to the State: <br />31. Municipal Utilities. Maintenance of the municipal-owned water main and sanitary sewet- utilities <br />construction, without cost or expense to the State. <br />3.2. Sidewalks. Maintenance af the Hamiine Ave�ue and Car�nty Road F sidewaik canstruction, including <br />stamped and colored conerete sidewalk (if any) and pedestriaa ramps. Maintenance inclUdes, but is not <br />]imited to, snovv, ice and debris removal, patching, crack repair, pane! re�lacement, cross street pedestrian <br />cross�valk markings, �nowing grass boulevards (if any) and any o�her maintenance acti�ities necessary to <br />perpetuate the sidewalks in a safe, useable, and aesthetically acce�table condition. <br />4. Basis of City Cast <br />4.�. SCHEDULE "I". The Preliminary SCHEDLTLE "I" includes ail a�ticipated City participation construction <br />items and the constructiort engineering cost share covered ur�der this Agreett�ent, ar�d is based on engineer's <br />estirnated unii prices. <br />4.2. City Participation construction. The City's participatio� is depicted in the attached Schedule "I". <br />4.3. Consfruction Engineering Casts The City will pay a canstruction engineerir�g chaxge equal to 8 percen.t oi <br />the total City pariicipation consi�-uctian covered under this Agreemer�t. <br />4.4. Plan Changes, Additional Construction, E1c. The City wfli share �� the costs of canstruction contract <br />acfdenda, change orders and supplemental agreemez�ts thak are necessary to complete the City participation <br />canstruction covered under this Agreecnent, including any City �equested additionaI vvark and pfan changes. <br />The State reser�ves the right io invoice the City for the cost of any addi#ional City re�uested work and plan <br />changes, construction contract addenda, change orders and s�ppEemental agreements, and associated <br />construction engineeri�ng before the co�npletion of ihe contract co€tstruction. <br />5. City Cost and Payzr�e�t hy the C'rt� <br />S.J.. Ciiy Cast. $77,793.75 is the City's estimated share of the costs of the contract construction and the $ percent <br />const�etion engineering cost share as shown in the Pre�iminary SCHEDULE "I". The Pre�iminary <br />SCHEDULE "P' was prepared usir�g estimated quantities and unit prices, and rr�ay include any credits or <br />l�mp sum costs. Upon award of the constr�ction contract, the State will prepare a Re�vised SCf-�EDULE "I" <br />based on construction coaiz'aci unit prices. <br />5.2. Conditions of Payment. The City wi�l pay th� State the fial[ and compleie Iump sum a�nount, as shown in <br />the Revised SCHEDLJLE "I", after the foIlowing conditions have been met: <br />A. Executian of this Agreettzent and transrr�ittal to the City, incIuding a copy of the Revised SCHEDULE <br />„T�� <br />S. The City's receipt of a written request from the State for the advancerneni af funds. <br />5.3. Fina! Pay�nent, Adr�itiona! City Requested Work <br />Upan comp�etion of a1l contract constructzon and �pon computatian of ihe final amount due the State's <br />contractor and onIy if additional work has been requested under Article 23.B of this Agreement, the State <br />will prepare a Finai SCHEDiILE "I" a.nd submit a co�y to tf�e City. The �'inal SCHEDULE "I" wilI be <br />based on fina! quantitfes of any additional Ciry requested participation construction iterr�s and the <br />construction engineering cost share due to additional requested woric. The computation by the State of the <br />amount due from the City will be final, binding a�.d canclnsive. <br />xi <br />