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Min/DOT Contract No: 98490-R <br />stored, used, maintain.ed, or disseminated by the City under this Agreerr►ent. The civil remedies of Minnesota <br />Statutes § 13.08 app�y to the retease of t�e data refen-ed to in t�is c�ause by either the City or t}�e State. <br />12. Governing Law; Jurisdictio�; Venue <br />Mfr�nesota law governs the validity, interpretation ar�d enforcement of this Agreemen�. Ver��e for alI legal <br />proceedings arising out of this Agre�ment, or its breach, must l� in the appropriate state ar federal court with <br />competent jur�sdiction ifn Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br />13. Termination. <br />13.1. By Mutual Agreement. This Agreement may be te�rnninated by mut-�.ial agreemen� of the parties. <br />13.2. Terminatron fn� Insufficient Funding. The State may irrimediately terrr�inate this Agreemet�i if it does �ot <br />obtai� funding frain the Minnesota Legislature, or other fitnding so�rce; or if fi�nding car�not be cantjnued at <br />a 1eve� suffici�nt to aliow for the performance of contract construction under the Project. Terrziination must <br />be by written or fax notice to the City. <br />14. Farce Maje�re <br />Neither party wiIl be responsible to the otE�er for a fai�ure to perforn� under this Agreement (ar a delay in <br />performance), if such failure or delay is due to a force majeur� event. A force rnajeure event is an eveni beyond a <br />party's reasonable cantrol, ine(uding but not lirnited to, urtusuatly severe vveather, fire, floods, other ac�s of God, <br />labor drtsputes, acts of war ar terrorism, or public hea]Yh emergencies. <br />[The remainder of this page has been intentionally left blank] <br />-5- <br />