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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — MAY 16. 2011 5 <br />optimism going forward for Phase 2. The CVS building will be a little taller than what was <br />previously proposed. Mr. Keely explained that this is a very difficult site for a number of reasons; <br />the property sits in a hole so there are some grade and access issues. In an effort to address some <br />of those issues, they're trying to "snug the building up tight to County Road E." He stated they <br />believe the B2 plan issues are an important piece to keeping the building close to County Road E <br />while also having other access points. There will be pedestrian access coming down from the <br />corner of the intersection, but those details will be included in the proposal at the next step. <br />Mayor Grant asked the total square footage difference between this proposal and the previous <br />one. <br />Community Development Director Hutmacher referred to the chart included in the memo for <br />this agenda item and stated it is about 5,700 square feet less than the original. <br />Councilmember Holmes questioned if the developer now has no intention of proceeding with <br />building three. <br />Steve Wellington, owner and developer, stated this plan does not include building three. <br />Mayor Grant questioned the phasing of the build -out for this development. <br />Ms. Beekman referred to her memo which includes a description of the phasing; Phase 1 will <br />include CVS and Building 2; Phase 2 will include Building 4. <br />Denny Trooien, owner, stated that the original plan included a condition that prior to proceeding <br />with Building 4, the City wanted to take another look at the traffic situation. He explained they are <br />not asking for any deviation from those conditions. <br />Councilmember Holden expressed concern that the reduction in building size would mean an <br />increase in the amount of asphalt area on the site. <br />Mr. Keely explained that there will be a little more green space than there was before. <br />Ms. Beekman added that the space between Buildings 1 and 2 has widened to accommodate the <br />CVS loading requirements and to move the garbage site to a better location. She stated the <br />parking area is actually smaller. <br />Mr. Keely explained that Building 2 is a little more rectangular and has been pushed further <br />towards the east. <br />Councilmember Tamble asked about the typical amount of parking spaces. <br />Ms. Beekman explained that the site is parked as a whole so that there is shared parking between <br />all the buildings. The total number of stalls is what would be expected for that many square feet <br />of retail. <br />