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City Council Minutes
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Last modified
6/16/2011 10:27:13 AM
Creation date
6/16/2011 8:24:29 AM
Regular City Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Minutes
Regular City Council Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — May 9, 2011 5 <br />A. Renewal of Letter of Support for Arden Village Tax Credit Application <br />Community Development Director Hutmacher stated Sand Companies, Inc. (SCI) has <br />requested a letter of support for their application for Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) <br />tax credit financing for Arden Village. SCI has proposed the development of an affordable rental <br />housing development at 1296 County Road F. The proposal required the property to be rezoned <br />from the current I -1, Limited Industrial District, to R -4, Multiple Dwelling District. In order to <br />rezone the property, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment was also required. SCI requested a <br />Preliminary and Final Plat to subdivide the property into two parcels, and a Master and Final PUD <br />for the development itself. Because the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) encompassed the entire <br />property, a CUP Amendment was needed to reflect the proposed legal description for the newly <br />subdivided lot. On March 8, 2010, the City Council gave land use approvals for the Arden <br />Village project including CUP Amendment, Rezoning, Comprehensive Plan Amendment, <br />Preliminary and Final Plat, and Master and Final Planned Unit Development. Subsequent to the <br />land use approvals, SCI requested a letter of support for tax increment assistance. Local financial <br />assistance is very important in leveraging tax credits, grants, and loans from other funding <br />providers. SCI needed a letter of support for tax increment assistance prior to its application for <br />tax credits from the MHFA. On June 14, 2010, the City Council voted to proceed with approving <br />TIF support of up to $225,000, and a letter of support was provided to SCI. With the City's <br />March 8, 2010, land use approvals and the June 14, 2010, good faith commitment for up to <br />$225,000 in TIF assistance, SCI closed on the purchase of land in December 2010. With the <br />tentative award of Ramsey County HOME funds, and having already received land use approvals, <br />SCI should be very competitive for this round of MHFA tax credit funding. An updated letter of <br />support is needed for SCI's June 2011, MHFA tax credit funding application. At a future <br />meeting, SCI will request City approval of tax increment district. Prior to approval, the City <br />Council will need to determine whether the final financial analysis demonstrates the need for the <br />requested support. Staff recommends that the City provide a renewed letter of support for tax <br />credit financing including a commitment for up to $225,000 in TIF assistance. At the February <br />14, 2011, meeting, the City Council questioned for what length of time the good faith <br />commitment is in place. Given the very complicated nature of funding for affordable housing, <br />g <br />and the progress that SCI has shown since June 14, 2010, it is reasonable to conclude that the <br />City's pledge of support currently remains in effect. The City Council may choose to withdraw its <br />pledge for TIF assistance and /or support for the project. In that event, the City Council should be <br />aware that the project may not move forward. <br />Councilmember Holden clarified SCI had applied for tax credits in the spring of 2010 and been <br />denied and the application they put together in June of 2010 was for the October 2010 grant <br />application. <br />Mr. Jamie Thelen, CEO Sand Companies, Inc. stated this was correct. MHFA has two awards <br />per year. The application for the larger award is due in June and there is a supplemental or <br />smaller fund award in the spring with an application deadline in September. At this time the <br />application that SCI is putting together is for the larger MHFA tax credit award and they would <br />not know if they had received any funding until October of this year. The application deadline is <br />June 14. <br />
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