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City Council Minutes
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Last modified
9/21/2012 3:30:55 PM
Creation date
6/28/2011 3:42:09 PM
Special Meeting Minutes
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Special Meeting Minutes
Special Meeting Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — June 1, 201.1 9 <br />6.A. Fox Ridge Easement Vacation Public Hearing and Final Plat Approval (continued) <br />City Planner Beekman stated there were two outlots in the development and these were created <br />in order to make a potential transfer of the property to the adjacent home owners easier. The <br />Home Owners Association will be responsible for the maintenance of these properties not the <br />City, in the event that the outlots are not transferred to adjacent properties. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holmes moved and Councilmember Tamble seconded a <br />motion to Approve Resolution 2011 -025 Vacating a Certain Utility, Drainage, <br />and Ponding Easement Located in the Fox Ridge Development. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Mayor Grant seconded a motion to <br />amend Resolution 2011 -025 to be Conditional Upon the Approval of the Final <br />Plat of Fox Ridge Development and the Final Recording of All Necessary <br />Documents. The motion carried unanimously (5 -0). <br />The amended motion was called to a vote. <br />The motion carried unanimously (5 -0). <br />Councilmember Werner stated although he is in favor of development he is disappointed that <br />the dual cul -de -sac is not included in the approved plans. <br />MOTION: Mayor Grant moved and Councilmember Holmes seconded a motion to <br />Approve Planning Case 11 -009 for a Final Plat and Development Agreement <br />for the Fox Ridge Development, Based on the Findings of Fact and the June 1, <br />2011, Report to the City Council. The motion carried (4 -1; Councilmember <br />Werner). <br />7. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Zayo Contract <br />Community Development Director Jill Hutmacher stated T- Mobile currently leases space from <br />the City to operate an equipment building at the Cummings Park (Fernwood) water tower. T- <br />Mobile currently pays an annual lease rate of $19, 096 for the 300 square -foot equipment building <br />with antenna space on the water tower. Zayo Group, LLC is working with T- Mobile to upgrade <br />their T 1 line with fiber -optic connections. The technological upgrade is related to the 4G- capacity <br />that most wireless providers are building. Although the fiber -optic equipment could be installed <br />within the T- Mobile building, Zayo Group hopes to sell services to additional wireless providers <br />and has requested a lease of twelve - square feet outside of the existing T- Mobile building to <br />accommodate an equipment cabinet. Zayo Group has not requested any space on the water tower. <br />The new equipment is entirely hard -wired and does not include any wireless components. Zayo <br />Group suggested a lease rate that was proportional on a square -foot basis to the T- Mobile lease. <br />Staff contacted several cities to inquire about lease rates. Many cities are charging no or minimal <br />rents for the Zayo upgrades. Of the cities contacted, the highest lease rate was five thousand <br />dollars annually. Given that there is a precedent for that lease rate, and given the limited space at <br />
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