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City Council Minutes
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Last modified
9/21/2012 3:30:55 PM
Creation date
6/28/2011 3:42:09 PM
Special Meeting Minutes
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Special Meeting Minutes
Special Meeting Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — June 1, 2011 12 <br />7.B. Tree Inventory (continued) <br />Associates and the Hiring of One Additional Seasonal Maintenance Worker at <br />a Total Cost Not to exceed $10,100. The motion carried unanimously (5 -0). <br />S. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />A. I- 694/TH51 Proposed Project <br />a. Consider Municipal Consent <br />b. Consider Noise Wall <br />Public Works Director Terry Maurer stated on October 25, 2010, the City Council adopted <br />Resolution 2010 -052 Disapproving the Final Layout of I- 694/TH 51 with Conditions. There were <br />14 conditions attached to that resolution. Since that time there have been ongoing negotiations <br />with Mn/DOT regarding the conditions and on April 19, 2011, the Appeal Board held their <br />meeting at which Mn/DOT and the City made presentations outlining their respective positions. <br />At the close of the City presentation we outlined three issues that the City felt were still <br />unresolved. These included an earth berm analysis to be performed by Mn/DOT detailing the <br />opportunities to use excess material generated on the project to construct an earth berm along the <br />south side of I -694. The second item was a peer review of the noise analysis that lead to the cost <br />split proposed by Mn/DOT. The final item was an in -depth analysis of the pedestrian crossing <br />opportunities of I -694 at TH 51. Mn/DOT agreed to the first two items so the Appeal Board gave <br />both sides until May 6, 2011, to work towards resolving all issues before the Board prepared their <br />written findings. City Staff and Mn/DOT staff worked towards resolving the remaining issues. <br />Mn/DOT has completed the berm analysis and the potential tree loss to construct the berm. <br />Mn/DOT will be looking for direction from the City on whether or not to include the berm in the <br />construction plan. After a full review of the noise analysis it is the City's consultant, Chris <br />Chromy's and Mr. Maurer's opinion that the noise analysis and cost split were completed <br />accurately. Mn/DOT will be looking for direction from the City regarding the City's willingness <br />to fund $475,000 for the construction of a 4,000 -foot long, 20 -foot high noise wall. <br />Councilmember Holden asked what the City gained by going through the mediation and appeal <br />processes. <br />Public Works Director Maurer stated the biggest things the City has gained is the $1.5 million <br />in additional commitments for Lexington Avenue and the bridge, the widening of the bridge to <br />accommodate a pedestrian crossing, the berming, and the County Road E bridge improvements. <br />The City did not get the sound walls paid in full as they had requested or pedestrian crossings over <br />I -694. Mn/DOT agreed to a cost split on the sound walls based on their policies and precedents. <br />This resulted in the City being responsible for $475,000 of the $1.5 million for the sound walls, if <br />the City chooses to proceed with the sound walls. If there is no decision made by the City <br />regarding the sound walls, Mn/DOT may choose to withdraw this offer. <br />Councilmember Holmes asked if the berm would solve the noise issues in this area. <br />Public Works Director Maurer stated according to Mn/DOT, the berm would not provide noise <br />abatement or a decrease in the noise level of 5 decibels or more. The berm will provide a visual <br />
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