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City Council Minutes
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Last modified
9/21/2012 3:30:55 PM
Creation date
6/28/2011 3:42:09 PM
Special Meeting Minutes
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Special Meeting Minutes
Special Meeting Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — June 1, 2011 14 <br />8.A. I- 694/TH51 Proposed Project (continued) <br />Lexington Avenue Bridge but it is important to note that there will be a pedestrian crossing at this <br />location. <br />Councilmember Tamble agreed the City has done its due diligence with this project and the City <br />has stood up for what they feel is right. He stated he would support Municipal Consent at this <br />time. <br />The motion was called to a vote. <br />The motion carried unanimously (5 -0). <br />Public Works Director Maurer stated Mn/DOT is looking for direction on the sound walls. <br />There will be a total of 32 properties that will benefit from the sound walls. These properties will <br />have a noise reduction of 5 decibels or more. The City will have to commit to $475,000 to cover <br />the City's portion of the construction costs. This project would be eligible for the use of State Aid <br />funds; this amount would be approximately 2 Y2 years of MSA construction funds. <br />Councilmember Holden stated there are other areas of the project that would also benefit from <br />the construction of noise walls and the City is not looking to build these. The west side of the <br />road has more homes that would benefit from the sound walls but the east side would benefit <br />more from sound walls. She stated she is struggling with the costs associated with this project <br />compared to the number of homes affected. <br />Councilmember Tamble agreed that this was a difficult decision. There is no perfect solution <br />for everyone and there are people both for and against the sound walls. The City will have to pay <br />$15,000 per home benefitted by the wall and the wall will not eliminate the road noise. There are <br />a number of homes that would sit above the 20 foot height of the wall and therefore not receive <br />any benefit. There is going to be traffic noise when you choose to live by a highway or major road <br />in a growing metropolitan area. <br />Mayor Grant stated he had spent some time listening at noise walls and the sound does come <br />over the wall. $475,000 is a lot of money for just a few residents. Arden Hills has several <br />highways that divide the City and the City does not want to set a precedent that they will pay for <br />sound walls for everyone. If the City were larger, then the amount would be more manageable for <br />the City. <br />Councilmember Holmes stated the City has had a tradition of being fiscally conservative and <br />with the budget cutbacks, the City understands it needs to continue this tradition. She stated the <br />costs were not worth it for so few residents. <br />Public Works Director Maurer stated Chris Chromy had asked MnDOT to look at different <br />length walls, but there was none more cost effective than what is being proposed. <br />Councilmember Tamble stated the sound wall would have an impact on the aesthetics of the <br />neighborhood. <br />
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