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Last modified
6/28/2011 3:48:35 PM
Creation date
6/28/2011 3:48:03 PM
Ordinance 2011-008
General - Type
Ordinance 2011-008
Ordinance 2011-008
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Ordinance 2011 -008 <br />Subd. 1 Commencement and Conclusion of Work. It is contemplated that any work <br />involved or required by an approved application will be commenced within one (1) <br />year after such approval and conclude within one year of the issuance of a building <br />permit or commencement of work if a building permit was not required. This <br />requirement is not intended to limit the authority of the City Council with respect to <br />imposition of other or different time limitations if deemed proper in the particular <br />case. <br />Subd. 2 Inspection. It shall be the responsibility of the administrator to check on <br />these time limitations or any other limitations contained in the approval and advise <br />the City Council of any breach thereof. Breach of the limitations, whether contained <br />herein or specifically contained in the action itself, shall be grounds for canceling the <br />approval. <br />Subd. 3 Expiration. Approval shall automatically expire and become void one (1) <br />year from and after the date on which the City Council granted such approval if the <br />building permit or other approved improvements have not been issued a permit by the <br />building inspector. The City Council may extend the expiration date of such approval <br />upon written application by the person to whom the approval was granted. If the use <br />for which any conditional or interim use permit has been granted has ceased or has <br />been discontinued for a period of ninety (90) consecutive days, the permit shall <br />automatically expire and become void at the end of such ninety (90)day period unless <br />reinstated by the City Council. <br />Subd. 4 Amendments of Site Plans, Conditional Use Permits, Interim Use Permit, or <br />Planned Unit Developments. An application for amendment shall be administered in <br />the same manner as required for a new application. Such applications shall include <br />re- applications for permits that have been denied, revoked, or have expired; renewal <br />or temporary permits; requests for changes in conditions; and such other instances as <br />are provided in this Code. Any structural alteration, enlargement or intensification <br />change in site plan, or similar change not specially permitted, shall require City <br />Council action and all procedures shall apply as if a new application were being <br />requested; provided, however, that when such changes are deemed to be insignificant <br />by the zoning administrator, the requirements of a public hearing may be waived. <br />Subd. 5 Periodic Review. A periodic review of the permit and its conditions shall be <br />maintained. A violation of any condition set forth in the permit shall be a violation of <br />this Code, and shall be cause for revocation of the permit. In the event that the <br />Zoning Administrator recommends to City Council or revoke a permit, the City <br />Council shall cause written notice thereof to be given to the occupier, and owner shall <br />have an opportunity to be heard, but no further notice need be given. <br />Subd. 6 Administrative Records. The zoning administrator shall maintain a record <br />of all approved, stamped and dated plans and permits issued, including information <br />on the use, location, conditions imposed, time limits, review dates, and such other <br />Page 12 of 13 <br />
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