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8A, Consider Purchase of New Water Meter Readers
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8A, Consider Purchase of New Water Meter Readers
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10/24/2024 10:36:20 AM
Creation date
7/8/2011 7:48:50 AM
July 11, 2011 Reg Council Meeting
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�,RDEN HILLS �ITY COUNC�L �- Ma�rch 28, 2Q11 �4 <br />7_F. Resolut�on 2f�I1-Of9: �lward 2�I1 Sanitary Setver Lining ,�'roject to �'nstufc�rria <br />Teehnologies, �SA, Inc_ of Chesterfield. Ii�l.SSdZfi'i, in !he An��unt of S'399,44�.50 <br />(continued) <br />Pr�`ect to Insfuform Teeh�olo ies USA �nc. a�' Chesterfeid Missouri in the <br />Amount of $3�9 444.�{�, T�e motion ca.rried unanimousi 4-0 . <br />G. Consider Pvrchase af Water l�eter Readers <br />Pub��c Wflrks Director Ma�rrer stated the Cit-y�'s caznmerciaL'indush-ia1 wafer �neters and re.aders <br />�uvere rep�aced in 1997/�938 and the residential water me�rs and readers in 200I_ T�e meter <br />readers u�ere expected to have a 10-�� 1 year life, which is cw-rent�y a� its end. The baYteries are <br />startin.g �a fail and technology has changed so m.uch it is hard ta get replacement bafteries or parts. <br />The current system is a re�flte reading systern wh��eby a Pubiic Vi�arks staff rneznber sim}�[�T <br />c�ri�ves the street u�it� az� elec�onic handheld reader whic� remately z�ads the mefers. T�e Ca�ital <br />Tmpravernenf Piar� {�IP) has an item starting in 2011 and i�r�ning throug.h 2[314 to rep�ace aIl <br />meter readers. Staff recommends a Badger Gaia�cy Syslem rhat atlows rernote readir�g fro�n a <br />computer screen_ i1��hez► the char�ge-out of ineters is coxnplete, r�eters �cx�ill be read from a <br />computer in the Finance De}�artment. There wili no longer be a need for a Pubiic Works sta£� to <br />spend 2-3 days a manth reading rneters. Sta�f is recommending purcl�ase of the Badger Gal2u�y <br />Fixed Network Co�lector Package, which con.sists of an ant�r�na lc�cated on th�e �;�ater tower, <br />c�znputer sc�f��lare a�td instailation, tec�cai support, celiular back�taul, and SO meter re�ders. In <br />addit�on, Staff recorr�znends purchase of enaugh cor�iercia�.'uz��strial meter readers to cha.€�tge <br />vut ail vf t�ase in 20i I with City ��f With the rernaining fiuids; Staff wauld purchase <br />a�groxin�aiely 30 residential metex readers_ These would be used to ehange aut any failed meter <br />�readers and/or combine su�zp pumg inspections wit� z�aeter rea�er c�ange-outs. This s}xstem has <br />an annual fee of $2,450 for technica] support, so��are �pdates_ and main�e��a�ce of t�e c����al�r <br />backhaui_ This annual �ee begins ihe year afier the initia] p�uchase of ��Z� sys�er�. <br />Mayor Gra�t c�arified the Baciger �ystem being proposed wou[d n�t he ab�e to read ihe meiers <br />curren�ly used by residenis. <br />P�b1ic Wori� �irector Maurer s�ted there would �e a transifior� per�aci untii a�l the �-�eter <br />readers cauld �e replaced_ <br />11�iaSor Gra�t stated t�e alternati��e wou�d be to purchase the batteries ihat the current readexs use <br />aa�d reptace them as they fail. <br />Publie ��Vorks Direetor Maurer stated the City has not had a mass failure, but fihe batteries a�-e <br />hard ta f nd. The Ctry has a few on hand but not enough to co��er a large number of failures a� one <br />time_ If the City was a6le to �nd �h� co�rec# ba�ieries; they cau�d can�in�e ta replace the baiteries <br />as required. He had been toId �hat the meter reader li fe foz� those currently used b;� the City vvas <br />approximate�y 10� 11 years and the Ci�ty is neari.r�g the �nd of tl�e life eycle fc�r those readers_ �f the <br />City wat��s to keep the current syster� #hen a Iarge su�p�y af �a�teries woulc� be required. Tl�e <br />technaIogy and servic:e oftt�ese readers is na Ionger s�ppvrted. <br />Mayor Grant asked if Staff has loaked for a source of batteries_ <br />
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