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� <br />�� ��� <br />ME1�U�i.AlV1)UM <br />DATE: March 28, 2011 <br />TO: I�Ionorable Mayar a�d Ci#y Councilmembers � <br />Patrick Klaers, C�ty A.dmi��t�atar ,� _h��; <br />��l` <br />�ROM: Terry Maurer, Public Works Director ��� <br />SUB.TECT; Coz�sider Purchase of New W�.ter Meter Readers <br />Bac �round <br />The City's commercial/industrial water zneters and re�ders were replaced in �997l1498 <br />and the residentiai water meters and readers were rEplaced in 2pOl . The �neter zeaders <br />ur�re expected to ha�7e a l.0-I1 yeaz life whieh is currently af its end. The batteries az�e <br />starting ta faii and technolQgy has chan�ed so r�uch it is hard to get replaeement bat�eries <br />or pa�-ts. The cu�rent system is a rernot� readi�g sys#em wl�erehy a Public Warks stafF <br />xnember �irr�ply driives the str�et v�7�li an electronic handheld readez� w�uch remotely reads <br />the meters, The City system has approxinnately 23� commerciaUir�dustrial m�ters and <br />2,422 resit�entza� �neters. <br />Tlae CapitaI Improvement P�an (CIP} has an i€em siarting in 20I l and ru��ir�g �ough <br />2014 to replace aII meter reac�ers (a capy� of the CIP sheet is attached}. Staff v��ent <br />thraugh a�review p�ocess to �ook at sy�erns that are corn�iatible wit� our c�ent �neters <br />v��hich sho�d k�a�Te 15-2� years of lifc left. The stafF recoma�eixded system is a$ac�ger <br />Galaxy Spsterr� f�at allows rer�ote readir�g frorri a computer scre�n. When tlze change out <br />af ineter readers is complete, meters vvi)I be read fra� a cornputer ira the Finance <br />Departmenf. There wi11 n� langer be a need �o� a PubIic Works staff to spend 2-3 days a <br />manth reading rneters. <br />In �he 2011 CIP there is �64;Q00 prc�gramn�ed fo begin this coz�verszon process. With <br />$5f�,000, sta�'f is recomrne�ding purchase of the l3ad�er Ga.laxy Fi�ced Network Collector <br />Package which consists of afl antenna loeated on fk�e water tower, caznputer softwaxe and <br />insta�lation, technica] suppor�, ce�luiar backhaul �device that sends the meter reading <br />fror� t�e arrte�a io the eomputer), a.nd SO metex readers. In addi�iaz� sta� recommends <br />purehase €�i enaugh commerciallindustrial rneter re�dez� tca change out a11 of those in <br />201 I with City st�ff. Wi� the rernaining fiznds s#�f:f wou�d purchase approximately 50 <br />residentiat meter reade�s. ThesE ��vould be used #o cl�a�ge o�t any �ailed rneter readers <br />andfor corribine sump pump inspec��ons with x�eter reader change outs. <br />P:1Adir�inlCouncitlAgendas & Packet Info�-nnation12Q1 i 13-28-11 Reg�IarlPaeket Informatzan�-28-11 Water Meter <br />Mezno.doc <br />Page I a#`2 <br />