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Draft J�une 8, 2011, Planning Commissian Minutes <br />Planning Case 11-010; Zoning Code Amendment regarding Detached Garages; City of <br />Arden Flills — Public Hearing <br />City Planner Beekman stated current reguIafians do not allow detached garages to be <br />located between the home and the sireet, yet lakeshore lots tend to be narrower and <br />deeper than non-ripaz�aan lots, and it is often not pracf�cal to add ga�rage and siorage space <br />in the side yard af these properties. Furthermore, the definitian of "frant yard" often <br />differs between the homeowners, who see the lakeside as their front yards, and the City, <br />which views the sireet-side of the home as the front yard. She reviewed the Ianguage <br />changes being proposed that wauld allow detached garages in the front yard of lakeshore <br />lots. <br />Chair Larson opened the floor to Commissioner comments. <br />Chair Larson asked if this amendment would reduce the number of variance requests in <br />the City. <br />City PIanner Beekrnan stated the nurnber of requests will decrease but lakeside lots are <br />narrow and the 40-foot setback is significant for these homes. They would sti11 need to <br />request a variance if they are not meering the setbacks. <br />Chair Larson opened the public heaxing at 7:30 p.zx�. <br />Chair Larson invited anyone for or against the applica�ion to come forward and make <br />comment. <br />Mr. David Freed, 3136 Hamline Avenue, Arden Hilis, staied he supports the amendment <br />because �e feels having #he garages detached and not in frant of the lake improves <br />aesthetics and safety. <br />Chair Larson closed the public hearing at 7:33 p.m. <br />Commissioner Hames moved and Commissioner Zimmerman seconded a motion to <br />recommeud approval of PIanning Case 11-010 to amend Sectiou 1325.a1 Subd 3 to <br />ep rmit the construction of detached garages in the frant vards o� lakefront lots <br />under certain circumstances as resented in the June $ 201] Planuin Case Re ort. <br />The motion_carried unanimously (5-0). <br />