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Project; (ii) the funding of one ar more reserve fiinds to secure the tim�Iy payment of the Bonds proposed <br />to be issued to finance the Project; {iii} the payment af a partion of the interest on �he Bonds; and (iv} the <br />payment oi a portion oithe costs oi issuing the Bonds; and <br />WHEREAS, Section 147(� of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and regulations <br />promulgated thereunder, require that prior to the issuance of the Bonds, the Czty CounciI (the "Council") <br />of the City �r►ust approve the financing of the 1'roject and issuance of the Bonds after conduc�ing a public <br />hearing thereon and notice of such public hearing shaIl be pubtished at least once, not less than fourteen <br />days �rior ta the data fixed far the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the City; and <br />W�IEREAS, pursuant to Section 462C.05 of the Housing Act, prior to issuance of the Bonds by <br />the City, a housing program with respect to #he Project (the "Program") must be prepared and must be <br />adopted by the City Councii of the City after a public hearing on the Program following one publication <br />of a notice in a newspaper circulating generally in the City a# least fifteen (15) days before the pubrtic <br />hearing; and <br />WIIEREAS, on or befare the day the notice af public hearing is pubIished, the City must submit <br />the Program to the Metropolitan Council for its review and c�mrnents as to whether the Program furthers <br />local and regional housing poIicies; and <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: <br />1. At the request of the Company, the Council shall meet at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, <br />July 25, 2Q11, to conduct a public hearing with regard to the adoption of the Program and with regard to <br />granting preliminary authorization to the issuance oi the Bonds as requested by the Compar�y. <br />2. Th� City hereby approves publica�ion of a notice of the pub�ic hearing in the Shoreview- <br />Arden Hills Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation in the City at least once not less than fifteen (1 S} <br />days prior to #he date of the public hearfng. The form of the natice is attached hereto as EXHIBIT A and <br />is hereby approved, with such necessary and appropriate variations, omissions, and insertions as the <br />Mayor and Administrator of the City in their discretion shall deter�nine. <br />3. The administrative staff of the City is hereby authorized, with the assistance of Kennedy <br />& Graven, Claariered, as bond counsel to Y1ie City, io prepare the Program and submit tha Program to the <br />Metropolitan Council on ar before the date of publicatian of the notice af p�zblic hearing. <br />4. Th� adoption of �his Resolution does not constitute a guaranty or firm commitment that <br />the City will issue the Bonds as requested by the Company. The City retains the right in its sale <br />discret[on to withdraw from participation and accordingly not io issue the Bonds, ar to issue the Bonds in <br />an amount less that the amount referred to herein, should the City at any time prior to issuance thereof <br />determine that it is in the best interesi of th� City not to issue the Sands, ar to issue the Bonds in an <br />amount less than the amount referred to above, ar should the parkies ta the transaction be unable to reach <br />agreement as to the terms and canditions of any of the documents required for t1�e transaction. <br />Adopted by the Council of the City of Arden Hills, Minr�esota an t�is June 27, 2011. <br />388[4Ev2 JCU AR200-12 <br />