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EXiiIBIT A <br />�ORM OF NOTYCE OF PUBLIC I�EA1tING <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS, MINNESOTA <br />NOTICE �F A PUBLIC HEARING WITH RESPECT TO A PROGRAM FOR A <br />MULTIFAMILY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AND THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE <br />BONDS TO FINANCE THE MULTIFAMILY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT IN <br />ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF MINNESOTA STATUTES, <br />CHAPTER �62C, AS AMENDED <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Arden HilIs, Minnesota {the <br />"City"} will hoid a public hearing on Monday, July 25, 20E 1, on or after 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, <br />i245 Highway 96 West, Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112-5743, #o consider t�e adoption of a housing <br />program for a multifatnily housing develap:ment (the "Progrann") and to grant preliminary approval for <br />the issuance of revenue bonds of the City {the `Bonds"} under Minneso#a Statutes, Chapter 462C, as <br />amended {the "Housi�g Act"), to �nance a loan to Presbyteriar� Honaes of Arden Hills, Jx�c., a Minnesota <br />nonproiit corporation (the "Company"), with respect to the following: (i} the constrt�ction and equipping <br />of a senior housing facility comprising i�adeper�de�t living units, assisted living units, and memory-care <br />units {a combined totaI of approximately 20Q dwelling units) to be Iocated at 3120 and 3220 Lake <br />Johanna Boulevard in the City (the "Project"); {ii) the funding of one or more reserve funds to secure the <br />timely payment of the Bonds; (iii} the pay�nnent of a portion of tk�e interest on the Bonds; ax�d (iv} the <br />payment of a portion of the costs of issuing the Bonds. The Project will be owned and operated by the <br />Coz�npany. <br />At the public hearing, the City Cauncil will consid�r tha adoption of a resolution approving the <br />Program wi#h respect to the Project and giving preliminary approval to the issuance of the Bonds to <br />finance the costs of the Program and the Project. The aggregate face amount of the Bonds proposed to be <br />issued to �nance the Prograrn aaad the Project is presently estimated not to exceed $34,000,000. The <br />Bonds w�ll be issued by the City and will constitute limited obligations of the City payable soleIy from <br />the reverzues expressIy pledged to the payment thereof, and will not constituta genera� obligations of the <br />City and will not be secured by any taxing powers of the City nor any assets or property of the City <br />except the interests of the City in the Project that may be granted ta th� City in conjunction with this <br />fina�tcing. The City may authorize certain other political subdivisions of the State of Minnesota to issue <br />bonds to finance a portion of the Project. <br />A copy of the Program has been submitted to the Metropolitan Council as required by the terms <br />of the Housing Act and is on file in the offices of the City Administrator at 1245 Highway 96 West, <br />Arden HilIs, Minnesota, on and after the date of publication of t�is notice. <br />Anyone desiring to be heard during this public hearing will be afforded an oppor[unity to cio so. <br />Written comments will be considered if submitted to the attention of the Administrator on ar before the <br />date of the public hearing. <br />Dated: [Date of Publication] <br />BY ORDER OF THE CITY O� ARDEN HILLS, <br />MiNNESOTA <br />388141v2 JCU AR200-[2 <br />