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Town Crier No.3
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1966
Town Crier No.3
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��� .. <br />�. : _.. . ;.. , . ; , : `'" <br />b7e :�zave �ece�vea �.nqu� regarcing �he :organiza.ta:on ot �he Planna,ng ; <br />` Commission o' T��is riin��me�r��er boar� is appoin�.ec� by �Ize i�ayor on a <br />` one: year basis, e�f�c'�ive- for �he �F�re�.ve�-manth neraod from�cyj �. <br />�o ' �ecem�er 33.`e Ikz�mb�rs �ay �+e re�a��ointe� e <br />' Tn.a�much as =�i,is is election year e��re ��ish �o �eminci you t�at if you <br />are not z- registereu votcer in �`.rd�� �iills � you r�ay register b-::onday ' <br />' tiirough Frir�ay , f rorc� 9 u� 0 a o m e un.ti 1 4 � 3 G p o rrt e�.ic tlze V i 11age I�al l o <br />Th� hall '��iil a].so be open �or reg�.�tratio� unti�. 9 e 0a � om e on thr�e <br />everiix�gs ➢�'x'ida� o�ugus� 1.9 ; T;vnday, �iug�st 22 anu �Cuesday p�ugust: ; 23 e. '. <br />If you have onc� regis�c�red and votec� at least once every four y�a�s <br />�.n '�rderi �:ills � it is not necessa��r �o re...reqister o <br />: TYse StatP prima�y �1�c�ior� is �eptemLer 13 �:�. the genera�: e�.ection is <br />Tflover���er i3 o Lue ao nv�. i�o�ct a�ar�.�nary eJ.�c�xon �or �r�en H�,7.3s e <br />a���.oials, k�uic rathe� vot� for then� on �uov��ber �, TI�e six �rustees <br />on th� Va:�.lage Council are el�cteca on a th�ee--�ear rota�iona3 �asis e <br />' The t�ro �rustees wiiose terms �xpire this year are �,enry Crepea�z aric� <br />' RiCha�d ��o�frnan o The �Uro�-yea� �.e�cm of Justice Ponzeranke also exp�:re� <br />th�:5 yeara Candidat�s �or vi�.Iage o�fices must �ile at the Vi.liage <br />' �ia]:�. �aetween September �L'i an� October 110 <br />VIi�L�iG� T�EL?: BPIEFS <br />AP�RT�-i��3T PI�OP�SALS � County Road B and ���ew �3ri hton Roa� >� A presen- ' <br />`fiA�IOt7 G.7�S t-�ADE TQ TH� Planning Cammission a� its August 3 meet�.ng ; . ' <br />�or a� ll�unit apart�en� on the nor�hwest corner of tlza.s laca��ono <br />P.,�though �k�i� �articular �roposal �1a� no� aeee��ed 1��r the Co�assion, <br />st�oulci ihe builUer revise I�is F�.ans to aai�e�-e to our neEv standards, <br />' th3s corner coulc', possibly �e so utilizede The Commission i� intere�ted <br />' in ttie fe�l,in�s o� ti�ie iA�u�ec'.i�t� neiga:;�ars o Yo�.� con�r�zer�ts are i.nvitec� e <br />Caur�t� �oa� �'s E:���,e� �.�xe �chool �us Garac��o `!'t��� �rc�po��c; �o�p1e� <br />o�_ ary��t��ent ��a�l��.i.�i�gs i� stil�. �tas�lcc� a-� �.1�� ���s�nt tirr:ea <br />S�T.VIc.. 5`.�T,'s'IC�i��v : ��ic���c�.,ay 35t _ �rlc:t_ �aur3�y ��oac�_. �. �..�.2 , 'r';o ac�ion <br />�outheas� co�ner oi C.ourai.y b�oa� � ar_c' ��:i�rif�•aay 5�. o `�:`I�E E:ouncil �.s ' <br />< �.... . ._.. _,. . __ . .___ _ _ _ _. - - --- - -- -� - __ _ .. . _. . <br />con�a.c�.ix�g �tfLe countv 8�ta�e aric; �ga��rty .oiar�ers ��ar:g t�e sa�z�`I�-'sic"e <br />o� �.ou�ity fio�ct ��raa�= ��:�gisc..,�ay 5l �co Lexir�g�ton �li�ia regarc� �to a�ra�- <br />�aseu � ro�c�a. �k:a ac�tzon v3i11 �:e �cal;e�� on �ta�is service �tatic+ra <br />' ursti� ;� �ox� co�:�n].e�ing t�ze ;�e�v�.c� raa�: are m.a�e e , <br />_:I�C�L�,E�.f.:��Oliu �: In�u����ia�. �ocation �,n th� Sou�i��restern E�rea o�E i�;ounc. <br />ia�� f�ias ' riat as y�t ��cn vat�r� u�oxY uue to pro�Er o��ner�i�in re�c�rts <br />not Lein� ��i�i�i��e�: o <br />P�.�.ns �or an i�ngrc�ver� �:arkinc� ar�a for �hE Villa,e ;Ia3.� ��ave l�een <br />` turne�. over to : i:l�e �Zar�:�irig Commi�sion o `!'I:e ���air�co�Litaonin5i �ys�em <br />' for t�ie, �tall ,i�as �.e�n to�n�le�ec;i o <br />� va�iance rec�u�st �or .�sr� o" J a L n;iurKington F.; 325� �,a�.e Jo�ar,na F�1vc:� o <br />�Eor a.iair�cut�ing s�uc_ao iri h�r: ��ome .l�as been 'pos�pv���;;_.._� <br />
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