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,, . , , <br />; _ _ <br />_ , , ,:. <br />� 2 � <br />" Mrs. Riai�ard ( Loi$ ) Jon�s, 186� Crlen Yaul Ava. ia t�he ne�i appointae to our Pla:ini�a� '� <br />= Commisaion.- 2�Zra. Jones �epiaces Mr, Robert Ifarr who raaently re�i�ned f'rom �h� <br />`'. Qaa3mie�ion. Tha Arden #��sociation wishea to reaognize Mr. Herr, ae wel�. s►s �Iro .G�ra1d <br />. Heu�ow, who` reei.gned irom the commiseion in Decambor� �or the many yeara ' of very #'ir��;: �- <br />service �,hey have given to.Arden Hi11s' deve�opment. <br />'John Ryagaard� 3947 Rol�in� Hills Road, has bean re-appoin�ed to the Publ�.c Safet,� <br />� Oo�mittea.: <br />We �opa tha,t a1I aur membera are er�tiefied with the To�*n L3rier and The Arden Asaoci�.t�on4 ` <br />:':As you know, xa function solely boaauae of volunteare and the time they ;ive to.collscting <br />�;"'and writing t,he paper, and to p2anning an occaeional social #'unct3on--such as::the <br />dinrier-dance �ast October. (�Fe are hoping to have a family type soaial evont duxkng <br />`:.the ��ammer.} Right nox we n@ea nsi� wi�h assembl�:ng and mailin� the '�Crier'�. ' Thie <br />>':anly raquires ebout an haur-and-�-ha1i of your time one a�'ternoon � month, or once <br />'.every a�s�teral �aonths. Thia is a chanca to have a cup q�' GO�'P99 wi�h your co-workere, .: , <br />°: : and perinaps m�et some nax neighbore ; iF YOU WA1�3T TO CONTRTBUT� SQM� OF YOiJR COi��iUNITY <br />' 3PIRTT TO THIS EFFOR�, PLr�ASE CALL JEAtY SHEFti�I,�N AT b33-2d29. <br />VII�LAG� NEVlS BRI��'S <br />_ ' r�ve- n Re ues : Tad Mann agpearad at a recen't Planning Commiasi;on raae'�ing to <br />':present an artis��s ren$ering of a propased drive-in movis theat,er at tk�e in'ter�: <br />�° eecti4n a#' Hi�hway 59�+ and i,exington Avenue, prepara�ary �to nego�ia�ioine : <br />` iowarde gaining Arden Hill� appraval. <br />'� L�.ke I,eve3,s s The Coun�;� haa been requested �io keep �he lake at a apacial hi�h levei `: <br />on '�he west eida �of Laka Johanr�a. Tha County Engineer i�as stated that their bu�.�;et <br />for -ihis purpo�e is Iimited by the Sta�e and �'eols #.he best answer ta the prob�.em <br />would be to inaorporate sevara.l lakea in the puusp�,ng sys�em; the daeira�la ran�e for .. <br />` Lake Johanna would ba a one-ha1P f'oot, range, bu� �hey hope to compromzse wi�h �he <br />requasts oP the reaidenta. _The Coun'iy would certai,nly a'�tsmpt �o eliminate floodYn� <br />aonditiona, but c�rtain weather conditions make piane impoaeible since they' ara. ' <br />working with ndture; Lake Johanna prabably has th� greatest �iraitatione -�he homes <br />on..the south end.ara a detarmining faator einca they are built �oo c�ose to the lake.,`, <br />The cantrol gata �n Laks J'peephine is about ],/2 'the eize of the one on �,ake Johanna, <br />there would be.more criiical control wit,h tk�e developmant oF a fu�ture pumping syatem. ':, <br />Bethei Co��e�e; Apprava� hae besn grantad to Be�hel to conatruct thraa bui,I.di�ga for <br />: marrisd atudente� housing on tha Be�thai gite. _ <br />� <br />Qount Ro�d � and i�ew Bri hton :ioAd: �he council hsa daterznined �hat .the zoni.r� a� <br />thia area would reme�in as propoeed - R2 (residentisl.). <br />1?atermin��ion af the aause of �he unpl�asant ador in the area east of ths acae�a road ` <br />to Gantrol Data naar Oount�r Raad F and-Farnwood Ava. wi�l have to wait �or'l�ettar <br />weathar�when the heavy snow is gane.' � � <br />:Th� Heiman proper�y at 2 No. Lsxin ton {aouthaaat portion o� Arden Hills}.ie being <br />purchaaed by t�e Villag;a �'or park uae. <br />� <br />_ � <br />� <br />, <br />