Laserfiche WebLink
,2 <br />kie a knac'k-down �ype, ' possibly the. one present;�:y used a� Johanna: i� '; <br />�h�.s site: shou�d be abandoned; as a'vil�.ags :responsibi�:3ty. ;Dir�ct <br />yaur `comments to Dr. Robsr�t Bjvrndahl, Trus�ee, : or to one of �he. Cam- <br />':rr�i'�tee m.Embers: <br />Ho�ger; Lagerstrom. , Melban FisYi <br />`�Chairman} Larry Kuehn <br />; Roy Anderson Ramona L�.ndbarn ` <br />Kerin,�; �h Bo s s Nancy McIn�o sh <br />Ru�h Cadwell Tom LaNasa <br />VTLLAGE NEWS BRIEFS <br />N�w Plating: , A pub�.�.c he€ar�ng w�.�l be heZd by thE Counail o� March <br />, ur�ng the regular council meet�.ng on the Lake View` P].at <br />a prvpos�d subdivxsion �acated sauth of F1ora1 Drive, <br />Tree ��anting: Our Parks and P1.aygrounds Comrnittee plans to acq�ire <br />OQO p�.ne and �.000 spr�ce seed�ings fram the State of Minnesota aic no <br />`co�t to the Village, �o be plan�ed on �hs Perry Park property <br />for two or thr�e ysars, and then �o be transplanted �o other si�as in <br />th� Vi�:3..age. <br />Flora� Beautifica�ion: A 3ocal Gir�. Scout Troap will p�a:n� and '�end< <br />f�.otuers in �he �riangu�ar strip of vi�.lage prope��y sou�h of Li:�dey� s. <br />The Josephine Hi3��.s Garden Club plans to cr�ntinue �o mainta�n a f].oral <br />'area be�ween xngersan Road and �ngerson Cnurt in �.967. ` ' <br />Load'Lim�ts; Ramsey County has �een reques�ed ta post load lzmi:� signs <br />;as soon as possib2e on aur vill�ge streets. <br />Water S�udy Corr�mit�ee: The�e �s no repo�t as yet from this committe;e <br />�s i�t is awa�ting fu�°ther anforma��on from the indus�ri�I area as to° <br />needsg e�c. ' <br />Bids,a�e being requ�s�ed �'ar a 1967 squad car �o rep].ace �he 19b5 <br />'!�zode2 nflw being usede Upwta-�date radza equipment is also be�ng: ordered. ` <br />Mercury iight s wi11 replaee pres�n� �ighting of vil].age-owned' l�gh�s <br />a� the fallowing Iacations. '�hese wi�1 be rep�ac�d a't no add�.�ional <br />;`cos� `�o; thp village and w�11 prov�.de bet�er �igh�3ng. <br />Highway 9h and �he Vill.age Ha11 GJ.en PauZ �r�d Pr�.or ' <br />' Cumr�i�rzgs Lare and O�.d. Sne 11ing Edgewatar and Prior <br />>Noble:Road and Johanna B1vde Sa�deen Road at the <br />' Jerroid and Prior pa�,nt c�.oaest to Laka <br />Johanna <br />THE �'OWN CRIER �'SALUTES�j <br />;�.�Arin Crs eau: LoAnn; daugh�er of Mr. ar�d ,M�s.. Henry Crepesu, 3:s an <br />acrob�tic dancer. .and has „appeared '�hree ��.me s, on th� TEd M�ck A�iiateur <br />