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A hearirig before tha Ramsey Caunty Baard will ba held on �a� � regarding, <br />'7ra�nage; Ditch `No. �.. Th3.s pro jec,t, wauld take care` o�' the dra�na�e prob- <br />lems on `Shorewood Drive. The; V�llag� of Rosev'iJ.�.e wou�.d p-y the expense <br />of �his iinprovement',: but must ge� permission frorn`Ard�n Hills to work in <br />�he Vi1.l.age.<' A11 res�den�s invol.ved who are in�ere�ted in this problem ` <br />. , <br />should atterid �he nex� Councxl Mee�ing. <br />-The o�n d�,tch roblem a� R�d ewood and Gl�nhill Raad has been raferred �o <br />�r.� Public Works Cammi��ee or recommen at�.on. <br />The Planning Commission has recommended denial of a request to construct`a <br />23 -un3.t'a artment cam lex a� the nor�heast corner of Count Road E and'New <br />Br�:�hton Road because the p�.ans do not confarm to � e standar s of the Cam. <br />prek�:ens�:ve Devel.opmsnt However, the app�.ica��s have requested thE <br />��:nci��;:�o: de��ay action un�#.1 the next co�ncil meeting, Apr�� 2�., <br />: Opera�io�i �lean-up �s again act3.vated and the ent�.�e pc�lice de,par�menti <br />�;wi11 : ac-t as liaisan be�wesn �he Clean-up Commit�ee and the Counca.7.. �- Do�r �Gadg <br />�; wi��:`I. be asked :to be cha�.rman aga�.n, . <br />� . . _ -- . . . .. . <br />L2 tin a� the interchan e of Coun� Road E and H3. hwa 5� 3.s `•pl.anned for <br />�'u:Lf ac��.on: by �he State Highway Denartment. <br />`A ?_etter from our Village Caunci� has been sent �v Commi.ss3.oner Sa3verda <br />-r•�commending that he urge the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners tv acq�ire <br />`= �h� property a� Count Road D and Lexin ton Avenue f or park purpose s. <br />. Th� oi� : s7.�.ck problem on Raund Lake has bsen referred to the S'�a�e Department <br />ox",Heal�h. <br />THE T4WN CR�ER ��SALUTES" <br />' I�orr�t���Sullivan; Dorothy is �he Nor�h Suburban Chairman for the Arts and <br />, Sc;�e::��e Fund Dr�.ve of S�. Pa'�z�. Th�.s drive, held during th� mon�h of Apri.�., <br />supports the Ar� �enter and Sc�.ence Mus6um located a� Cedar and 1pth in S�.<; <br />��u]., Ths Ci�ic Ope�a, Schuber� CZub and Philharmon�c Soai,e�y. Da�othy is <br />co-ordinating �he drive in Ne'w Brighton, Arden Hills and Shoreview as we�.l <br />'as parts o�' Li��le C�nada, Maplewaad and North St. Paul. She and her hus- <br />barid, ; Jahn, 7.ive at 1�.29 Ski�es L$r�� with '�heir �'our chi.l.dren - Ma�reen, <br />: D��-a�y, Brian and Evangeline. <br />COMTNG UP <br />Moriday April 2l.� Vil�.age Counc�.� Mee�ing 8;00 PM, ili.�.�.age Hsl�. . <br />..�'uesday;' Mag 2 P�.anning Gc�mmiss3.on � " <br />Monday �ay 8 Village Council. Mesting " <br />` Monday May 29 ,r rf <br />'' Morida�r May 1 School Board Meet3.n� 7:00 PM, Moundsview High; <br />Moriday ; , May 8 " r� <br />Moriday Mag 2z ; }s ,� <br />