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Town Crier No.13
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1967
Town Crier No.13
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_ 2 - <br />� the func�ion arid scope of th�.s Corr�missian and the League ` of Nunic�-� <br />pa1:�-�ies a�e ex�remely timely and intere�ting �apic�. �'herefore we <br />are p�.eased �o ,annou�ce �hat M�yor Ne�hereu� wi1.�. present a general <br />d�seus�ion of municipal prablerris and re�a�ed �apics a� this Ma� z3 <br />- mee��.ng. A question and answer p�riod will �'o3.�ow, <br />VTLLAGE NEW� BR�EFS <br />:The, Star�-Eibn�r Lake Terrace Preliartinary P�at Plans far 3�65 NQ. <br />w�x�e approved sub�ec�t to appr�val a�' A��orney Courtney, stzbject to p�a� re- <br />: v'�:sian to show a �nain�enance -�u.rn-around and �he verificatior� af th� owner- <br />sh3.p of the 3Q � p�opo ��d easement ta be dedica�ed �a the Vil�.age for road <br />purpo se s . <br />Coun�� Diich No. i.�.. �ocated between Lake Johan,na and Li�tle Lak� �ohanna: <br />' ox culvert which wi�l wi en rath�r than aeepen the prc;sent da.�ch is plan- <br />ned` far ins�al].at�on with Rosev�.11e pay�.ng �he entire cos�. At a recerit <br />mee��ng with our villag� r�presenta��ve the Rarrtsey Coun�y Engineer s�a�ed <br />`�ha� he fee�.s they can contro� �he lake leve�. Our Counczl is a�so check- <br />. in.g �a xriake sure tha� this �aster flaw wz11 no� �'urther damage the banks <br />along the, di�ch, <br />"'�he" app�ican�s wha pro osed a z3 una.'� apartment b�zi�.din� an the northeas� <br />ao�rier of Coun�� Roa and New Bri�hton Road have again x�equeste a further <br />'-" de��y of Counca.� action untzl. they Yiave an appor�unzty �o submit ft�.rthes <br />p7:an,s. to the Comm.ission. The original plans sub�nitted had not been <br />'�e`comm�nded for approval by this Commissian. <br />A me�ting was held wi�h �he Rarrasey Cou�ty Ellgirleer'i our VZ3.lage Engzneer: <br />'`T?�.t;s.�ee� O�lmen and Bjorndahl. �o �.nvestigate the dra�.na�e ditch prob�.em at <br />'�r�g�rson Road and Fernwaod Ave�ue leadin� ta Lak� Jose hir�e. '�h���er <br />has; �eEri tempararily tabled pend�.ng fur�her infor�mation frnm Shoreview and <br />adci�:��ona1 cost studi�s. <br />Repai� wark and �.it�er clean-up at �he vaca'�ed h�useTa� �.933 �oun'�� Rraad D <br />sYiou,3�d be campleted within a week. <br />P�ogress is being made on the clsan-u work a� 32a� Lex�.n�;ton Avenue Nor�h. <br />Abandaned re sidence a� 3�-55 Lake Jahanna Blvd. has been d�:t�rmined as unsafe <br />by our :bui�. i;ng a.nspec�or an condemnatian proceedin;gs are being ins�iga�ed, <br />*� An inspectior�,. �our b �he Public �r:lorks Commi�tee oi �he�e streets : has . <br />been comp ":�ec� and a Iist a�' �rouble spo�s has �een ga.ven to the Naint�enance <br />Department f:t�� follow-up repair work. <br />A pub�.�.c hear�.n� will b� held on Ma.y 22 at 8:00 PM at the Vil�.a e Ha�.]: re-. <br />ar �.n - a s ecial �.s� errnit far SnTal�.ace Kar; alaht�, 17 Grys�al, far :�he <br />- pu�pose of cons-�x+ucting, a 2-�'oot hazri radio tower on his property. <br />- Ele.ven -vil�a�e enitrance si�ns have beeri ordered and will be instal].ed in the <br />near future: <br />
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